All I Can Say Is...
IT'S ABOUT TIME SOMEONE DID THIS! And thank God for us Sen. Coleman did it!
This is legislation whose time is here and now. Bravo Sen. Coleman!
Yesterday Senator Coleman delivered a speech on the floor of the Senate where he outlined his new, comprehensive energy bill that aims to bring energy prices down. Notably, this legislation includes increased domestic drilling, more nuclear energy, clean coal technology and an increased use of renewable fuels.
I know that several of you are interested in both increasing domestic oil production and investing in more nuclear energy, so below you will find information on how Senator Coleman’s legislation would help in these areas.
Increased Domestic Drilling
With an estimated 2.8 million barrels of oil and 12 trillion cubic feet of natural gas sitting under the Outer Continental Shelf, Senator Coleman feels it is essential that we tap this unused resource. As a way to lower oil prices. Unlike Democrats like Al Franken, Senator Coleman knows that with an ever-increasing demand for oil, the only way to see a decrease in the price-per-barrel is to increase the supply. This has the potential to offset foreign oil imports by as much as $145 billion dollars. This bill would give governors of affected coastal states a say in the matter and would allow them to negotiate deals that are in the best interests of their citizens.
Investing In More Nuclear Energy
As Senator Coleman is fond of saying, “the French are not braver than we are” when it comes to investing in nuclear. Senator Coleman’s legislation would implement a tax credit and loan guarantee system for nuclear production as well as training for an expanded nuclear workforce. And, he has been a strong advocate for lifting Minnesota’s moratorium on expanding nuclear power.
If passed, this legislation would go a long to help bring energy prices down and go a long way in securing our energy independence.
This is legislation whose time is here and now. Bravo Sen. Coleman!
Labels: Senator Norm Coleman
When is election day and how long as Senator Coleman's bill been in the thought stage ?
S.3126 has no co-sponsors ... so what chance does it have of being enacted ... much less heard in the Finance Committee?
This is nothing but a cheap election year sham.
I am not a Franken support, but I am also not a fool ... Coleman's record on drilling in ANWR speaks for itself.
Anonymous, at 12:54 PM
No, no! Don't let this distract you. Senator Coleman is a RINO. We must elect Franken in November to purge the party of RINO's like Senator Coleman. We've come too far to let our guard down now.
Unknown, at 12:56 PM
Really, I was just joking. We'll never get good energy policies with Franken representing us. At least with Senator Coleman we get a Republican in the Senate to help us build the majority and some very educated debate
Unknown, at 4:09 PM
Well aren't you the good little soldier Brent. Are you taking your orders from the Chair or someone else?
If you want to discuss why Anon is wrong, have at it. But this kind of random snark is not conducive to problem solving. So again, you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.
The Lady Logician, at 10:54 PM
Oh and you are not getting off so easily Anon....
So the man tries to do the right thing and how do you react? You slap his hand away....
And you wonder why pols don't listen to the constant complainers like you...You have to give them an "atta boy" once in a while or they will never listen to what you have to say.
Try it sometime - you might be surprised...
The Lady Logician, at 11:14 PM
No, I was replying to your post, not the comment which was not posted when I wrote my comment.
The point to my is that conservatives are ready to dump overboard anyone and everyone as soon as they have the slightest disagreement, regardless of how closely they are working together.
Senator Coleman may seem like the enemy, but to me there is too much positive to allow Franken to be elected in Nov.
Unknown, at 8:10 AM
I knew that Norm would come around eventually. His stance has frustrated me, but this is proof that he is starting to listen to us. Now, if McCain would change his tune. We'll have to see...
Way to go, Coleman! Keep it up! Now we want you to forsake the idea of cap and trade! There are better solutions than that.
tsh, at 9:24 AM
Brent, is that logic to put in Franken? How is six years of leftist policy going to help our cause? We can see right through you. There are some RINOs out there, but Coleman stands strong on life, taxes, winning in Iraq, and many other issues that conservatives hold dear. I have met Coleman on several functions and he is not a hard nosed politician. He is listening and striving to get beneficial things done for Minnesota and for our great country.
tsh, at 9:37 AM
6 years in the coming. Just another election season conversion? Pulleeze.
Anonymous, at 10:22 AM
Tim, I think I posted on your blog before. I'm a strong Coleman supporter. Sometimes I just get annoyed with all the conservatives who would rather be represented by a liberal democrat over a moderate Republican.
RINO's have a place in our party. We need to work on the same team, not against each other.
Unknown, at 10:00 AM
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