Challengers CAN Win
The biggest story in Utah today has to be the story of Rep. Chris Cannon's primary defeat by a first time challenger.
Emphasis mine. Twenty points is a serious drubbing for any race - especially when the one getting drubbed is the incumbent. It also flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that you just can't challenge an incumbent legislator, even if you feel that he or she is no longer representing the district - as the voters of Utah's 3rd Congressional District resoundingly said yesterday.
The Cannon/Chaffetz race featured many of the same frustrations that voters (especially Republican voters) across the country have felt. Frustrations over illegal immigration, out of control federal spending, energy policy and a broken Republican Party were the hallmarks of the Chaffetz campaign. It must be stressed that Jason Chaffetz is a political newbie (at least when it comes to running for office himself). He was Chief of Staff for Utah Governor Huntsman so he had the policy formation experience but this was his first ever run for office. This is important. The voters of the 3rd district sent the Republican Party a very loud message. Chaffetz' victory yesterday is a victory for every Republican who is dis-satisfied with the direction the Party is going. He over came big name endorsements (President Bush and Utah Sens. Orrin Hatch and Bob Bennett all endorsed incumbent Cannon) and a 7-1 spending deficit to win. He beat the Party establishment resoundingly.
Chaffetz's victory yesterday should send shock waves through the Republican Party establishment - not only in DC but in all the state parties (big hint to my friends back in Minnesota). The base is NOT HAPPY with you and the way you are doing business. You are not representing the people and the time has come to either get back on track (representing the Party's core principles) or go home.
Jason Chaffetz's promise to change Washington, starting with Rep. Chris Cannon, resonated with Republican voters, who ousted the six-term incumbent in a GOP primary Tuesday.
"We rocked the vote here in Utah and we rocked the Republican Party," Chaffetz told about 175 supporters gathered to celebrate the victory. "I think we've been given a mandate to return the Republican Party to its core conservative principles."
With 99 percent of the votes counted, Chaffetz led Cannon by about 20 points. Chaffetz now advances to face Democrat Bennion Spencer in November. The seat strongly favors Republicans.
Emphasis mine. Twenty points is a serious drubbing for any race - especially when the one getting drubbed is the incumbent. It also flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that you just can't challenge an incumbent legislator, even if you feel that he or she is no longer representing the district - as the voters of Utah's 3rd Congressional District resoundingly said yesterday.
The Cannon/Chaffetz race featured many of the same frustrations that voters (especially Republican voters) across the country have felt. Frustrations over illegal immigration, out of control federal spending, energy policy and a broken Republican Party were the hallmarks of the Chaffetz campaign. It must be stressed that Jason Chaffetz is a political newbie (at least when it comes to running for office himself). He was Chief of Staff for Utah Governor Huntsman so he had the policy formation experience but this was his first ever run for office. This is important. The voters of the 3rd district sent the Republican Party a very loud message. Chaffetz' victory yesterday is a victory for every Republican who is dis-satisfied with the direction the Party is going. He over came big name endorsements (President Bush and Utah Sens. Orrin Hatch and Bob Bennett all endorsed incumbent Cannon) and a 7-1 spending deficit to win. He beat the Party establishment resoundingly.
Chaffetz's victory yesterday should send shock waves through the Republican Party establishment - not only in DC but in all the state parties (big hint to my friends back in Minnesota). The base is NOT HAPPY with you and the way you are doing business. You are not representing the people and the time has come to either get back on track (representing the Party's core principles) or go home.
Labels: Challenging the Status Quo
Also of note is that Chaffetz campaign was run by an all volunteer staff. His four main staff members are all women, 3 of whom (including the campaign manager) are stay-at-home moms. They managed a network of more than 1,000 volunteers and THAT is what put him over the top. Average people getting out and doing their part. I hope that part of the story also makes headlines.
Anonymous, at 12:28 AM
It's important to note that Chaffetz had NO paid staff. Everyone that worked on his campaign was a volunteer. We had a campaign manager, a deputy campaign manager (with her husband bird-dogging for her), an administrative assistant for Jason, Ledge Captains, Precinct Captains, a slew of state delegates (the very ones that almost have him the GOP nomination without a primary--missed it by 10 votes), and an awesome online team of bloggers, YouTube video experts, commenters (on various news articles, blogs and videos), social networking specialists on Facebook and MySpace. People came out of the woodwork to donate money, put up signs, hang door hangers, make phone calls, write letters, participate in honk and waves, and other campaign activities. All told, Jason had over 1,000 unpaid volunteers working for him. It was a massive grass roots effort, and few would have predicted the remarkable win.
Anonymous, at 1:43 AM
Thanks for mentioning that. I am a firm believer in the benefits of an engaged grass roots and I have been long trying to get the MNGOP to see the PERILS of making the roots angry.
You guys did great work in the 3rd and if the house hunting goes the way I think it is going to go, I may be joining your efforts this fall.
The Lady Logician, at 7:12 AM
I've been active in politics for about 8 years (took on our state medical association and won, getting licensure for direct-entry midwives), but this is the first campaign I've ever wanted to help on. Jason's message DID resonate with me and many others. In my legislative district, the vote count was a minimum of 2 to 1 and in some precincts, it was a whopping 4 to 1 in his favor (yup, 80% to 20%). Of course, Mr. Cannon dismisses us as 'boors' who are whacko activists trying to take over the party . . . to that I say 'then bring on the boors'. Thanks for watching us out here - we'll welcome you if you come. We also believe, like you do, that incumbents across the country better wake up and smell the hot chocolate (ha!) Represent your base, or pack your bags.
Unknown, at 8:00 AM
Mr. Cannon is not the only one. I have an article from Wednesday morning that I intend to post on later today (I had a ton of moving related work to do yesterday and again today). The SLTrib did a story on Jason Chaffetz' win that is best called "Damnation by very faint praise".
The Lady Logician, at 7:49 AM
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