Ladies Logic

Friday, June 20, 2008

Quick Hits for A Friday

I had a lot of really good material hit the in box while I was in transit and unpacking. So rather than put up a dozen individual posts, I figured I would just throw a few into quick hits in one post.

St. Olaf College sold it's radio station (WCAL) to Minnesota Public Radio in a rather controversial manner. A group called SaveWCAL is pushing for AG Lori Swanson to get void the sale on the grounds that the large cash donations to the station were considered "charitable trust". On one hand, the college should be allowed to sell off assets as they see fit, on the other....well is there another hand?

The EU has decided that illegal immigration IS a problem that needs to be addressed. Hugo Chavez apparently does not appreciate the EU's decision and is making threats. Apparently he seems to think that he can dictate policy in Europe. Does that mean we can dictate policy in Venezuela?

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) says that paying income taxes is voluntary? I had no idea.....

Neil Cavuto took on Congress on his show Wednesday and he pulled no punches! The money line was the close.....

You're just petty politicians, who'd sooner sign onto the wisdom of a tyrant in another country, than the demands of ticked off voters in your own.
This was in response to yet another Dem coming out and saying that the government needs to take over the oil industry...

Minnesota's jobless rate is at a 17 year high and all Mayor Ryback can think about is pushing a ban on bottled water. What will this do to bring NON-GOVERNMENT JOBS into Minneapolis RT? Heaven knows that there are no murders, robberies and other crimes to be dealt with.

Two members of the "Religion of Peace" (patent pending) were arrested on conspiracy to commit murder charges in Denmark. Apparently they were out to kill a cartoonist who had the audacity to mock Allah. Yet Christians routinely put up with so-called artists mocking them.

The New York Times recognized the latest policy shift from the Obamassiah but that is about it...

Gas prices have gone up and the American public is driving less. The market at work. Now all we need to do is increase supply......

Last and by no means least - MoveOn.Org is closing it's 527 operations in deference to the Obama Campaign. While I agree (in principle) with the Obama campaign that 527's are the bane of political campaigns, I find it odd that as long as the majority of the 527's out there supported Democratic candidates they were ok, but as soon as the Swift Boat Vets came along to fight back they were suddenly a bad thing. They will still operate their PAC, but PAC's are limited to the amount a donor can give - unlike 527's where billionaires like George Soros could funnel millions in the hopes of dictating US policy.

Let us not forget who we can thank for the emergence of 527's......Senators Russ Feingold and JOHN MCCAIN. BTW Sen.'s that pledge to take public financing working out for you?



  • I've been following the SaveWCAL story. It looks like there's a lot more. St. Olaf didn't "own" the assets of WCAL. They were the trustee and a trustee is required to protect a trust, not destroy it by selling it. Apparently, the sale was illegal and now two Democratic Minnesota Attorney General's have basically refused to do their sworn duty protecting charitable trusts in the states. Were they afraid of MPR? The judge's very strong "slapdown" to the AG as well as St. Olaf is very unusual and warranted.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:38 AM  

  • Actually, I think McCain has stumbled onto the miracle (who says Obama isn't a Messiah?) that can make his biggest liability into a campaign asset. McCain-Feingold sticks in the craw of almost every conservative I know, and it was with some sense of delicious irony that we looked forward to seeing McCain beat up with his own shillelagh.

    But Obama has changed that. By backing out of his promise to abide by the rules that McCain has sworn (having no other choice) to live by, he permits McCain to tag him as just another flip-flopping, unprincipled, tool-of-the-special-interests corrupt Chicago politician. That will stick, there will be nothing Barack can do about it, and at some point every TV ad that Obama buys will just remind people of it. The millions Obama spends will actually start getting him LESS votes.

    McCain laid the cow pie, and Obama just stepped in it. Eeewww.

    J. Ewing

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:10 PM  

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