On Tour
I've been meaning to post on this for a couple of days, but life just kept getting in the way. Jason Chaffetz, the Republican endorsed candidate for Utah's 3rd Congressional District is joining a bunch of candidates on a trip to the most disputed piece of American wilderness in recent history - ANWR.
Mr. Chaffetz has figured it out. His opponent (Bennion Spencer) on the other hand is parroting the Crisis of Choice talking points.
"We're not going to drill our way out of this oil problem," Spencer said.
Sitting on our hands, which is apparently Speaker Pelosi's solution, is not the answer either Mr. Spencer. Mr. Spencer echo's another familiar theme in this current debate.
Do any of you remember the last time we heard that particular refrain? Bill Clinton said the very same thing in 1996 when he vetoed a bill that would have opened up a very small portion of ANWR for exploration. Do the math people...1996 was how many years ago? That's right - 12 years ago. Now I am certainly not saying that we would not be in the mess we are in right now if we had opened up a tiny fraction of a huge area for domestic drilling, but I am saying that it would not have been as drastic a problem as it is today.
I have said before that increased domestic drilling is only a part of the solution. However, the Democrats, as stuck as they are in 1970 (more on this later), are bound and determined that there is nothing that we can do to resolve this problem. Which is one reason why this needs to be called a "Crisis of Choice".
"Energy has become the No. 1 issue and I want to see firsthand part of the solution," Chaffetz said Wednesday.
Mr. Chaffetz has figured it out. His opponent (Bennion Spencer) on the other hand is parroting the Crisis of Choice talking points.
"We're not going to drill our way out of this oil problem," Spencer said.
Sitting on our hands, which is apparently Speaker Pelosi's solution, is not the answer either Mr. Spencer. Mr. Spencer echo's another familiar theme in this current debate.
Additionally, he added,despite the Republican push to open up the Arctic refuge, the oil would not hit the market for about 10 years and even under today's market prices, would only reduce the cost of oil by 41 cents a barrel.
Do any of you remember the last time we heard that particular refrain? Bill Clinton said the very same thing in 1996 when he vetoed a bill that would have opened up a very small portion of ANWR for exploration. Do the math people...1996 was how many years ago? That's right - 12 years ago. Now I am certainly not saying that we would not be in the mess we are in right now if we had opened up a tiny fraction of a huge area for domestic drilling, but I am saying that it would not have been as drastic a problem as it is today.
I have said before that increased domestic drilling is only a part of the solution. However, the Democrats, as stuck as they are in 1970 (more on this later), are bound and determined that there is nothing that we can do to resolve this problem. Which is one reason why this needs to be called a "Crisis of Choice".
Labels: Jason Chaffetz, Utah
At last, someone going to see this Pristine wilderness" and see if "destroying" 1/100 of 1% of it is worth the $2 Trillion worth of oil we could get there, and wouldn't have to buy from the Middle East. Anybody that's been there will tell you, there's nothing that can be harmed, and the only people who will even see it are the oil workers, and they'll only be out there when it's dark-- from November thru March.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
From what I have heard, ANWR is not pristine, but rather a tundra wilderness. I am glad that someone is going to check out this possibility. It may not be the complete answer, but I think some drilling there would be a start. I appreciate the time frame comparison of Bill Clinton's veto. I found that very insightful.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM
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