Ladies Logic

Monday, July 07, 2008

Organized Anarchy?

KMSP did a report last night on a favorite topic for some of us here at True North.....the RNC Welcoming Committee and their plans for the RNC Convention in August.

An anarchist group threatening to crash the Republican National Convention has taken to the airwaves. Ironically calling themselves the “RNC Welcoming Committee,” members of the group shared plans to wreak havoc during the RNC. Their plans include blocking bridges into St. Paul.

Those plans, called “Swarm, Seize and Stay,” call for members to try and cut off convention-goers and delegates from the arena.

"We're not trying to influence the Republicans. They already know that people are against the war, people are against pollution, global warming and racism. The Republicans just don't seem to care," said a member of the anarchists group on-air. The group was broadcasting from the independent radio station KFAI during community access hour Sunday night.

The three broadcasters, known only as Harold, Emma and Tony explained their plans to crash the convention, calling themselves agents of change. Last week, the group obtained shuttle routes and other transportation information as part of their strategy to set up blockades.

Of course this is a gross misrepresentation of what Republicans believe, but these folks have never let a little thing like the truth get in the way of a good meme.

This morning they posted a follow up report., a website for an anarchist group preparing for the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, crashed Sunday night and remained down Monday.

A visit to the website Monday displayed the following message:

“This account has been suspended. Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.”

As I am writing this post, the error message has not changed.

However,they do have a
My Space page and that gives you an idea behind their thought processes.

Those who work with the RNC Welcoming Committee must agree to:

1. A rejection of Capitalism, Imperialism, and the State;

2. Resist the commodification of our shared and living Earth;

3. Organize on the principles of decentralization, autonomy, sustainability, and mutual aid.

4. Work to end all relationships of domination and subjugation, including but not limited to those rooted in patriarchy, race, class, and homophobia;

5. Oppose the police and prison-industrial complex, and maintain solidarity with all targets of state repression;

6. Directly confront systems of oppression, and respect the need for a diversity of tactics.

As Lassie has posted in the past - the "anarkids" are bent on stifling the rights of free speech and free assembly of the RNC Convention. While that is indeed their right, I do recognize the irony of the fact that they demand their ability to exercise their free speech rights at the expense of someone elses rights.

All I can say is I hope that the good people of Minnesota take note of the anarkids and their plans and act accordingly. Wouldn't it be fitting if the RNC Welcoming Committee were shut down by the people of Minnesota, in the same way that they are trying to shut down the RNC Convention?

Oh and has anyone heard about any CONSERVATIVE groups that are planning the same thing for the Denver DNC Convention? Somehow I think not......

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  • Perhaps Minnesotans should form an "Anarkid Welcoming Committee."

    Many Jason Lewis listeners today sound like they're chomping at the bit to disrupt these idiots.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:44 PM  

  • The nazi-cons have been stifling free speech since the days of Reagan via government propaganda and 'perception management.' What do republicans stand for? Judging by the results of the 2006 election and current national polls in both the presidential and congressional races, people have caught onto republican phoniness (not that dems are much better). And, oh yeah, there will be groups trying 'crash' the DNC as well. Have a happy day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28 AM  

  • Bwahahahaha.....that is the funniest thing I have read in years anon. Pray tell what "Republican" groups are working on crashing the convention? Considering that it is 5 weeks away, they had best be getting busy......

    What do Republicans stand for? Go through the archives and you just might learn a thing or two anon.....


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 4:08 PM  

  • Did someone say that 'republican' groups were working to crash the RNC... or the DNC for that matter? Unock the door to your bourgeois closet, Lad Log, and you might be blinded by the sunshine.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:46 AM  

  • I'm still waiting for one of you "anonymous" commenters to open my eyes....I have yet to see anything that shows that there are Republican groups out there trying to shut down the DNC convention.

    I suspect I will be waiting until the end of the convention for that guys are long on allegation and short on fact - YET AGAIN...


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 9:51 AM  

  • anonymous 2 said "Did someone say that 'republican' groups were working to crash the RNC... "

    Uh yes someone DID say that....

    "Anonymous said...

    The nazi-cons have been stifling free speech since the days of Reagan via government propaganda and 'perception management.'... And, oh yeah, there will be groups trying 'crash' the DNC as well. Have a happy day."

    If I need to unlock the door to my "bourgeois closet" then you need to go take a reading comprehension course.

    Have a happy day.....


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 9:54 AM  

  • Speaking of 'perception management', destroy the meaning of a message by including only the first and last sentences, leaving out the middle. Are you guys trained to do this? Nice manipulation, though not very logical lady.

    As for ole Jelly Bean, he was not the cheerful Howdy Doody the corporate media has made him out to be (and repugs continue the fairy tale). He and his 'nazi-cons' supported right wing regimes in Latin America which were responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Mayan peasants whose only crime was... they were peasants? Let's see, the death of thousands of powerless poor people... does that remind us of something going on today?

    But to get to the meat of the subject: you might consider the people 'crashing' the conventions (RNC and DNC) have no use for either party, viewing them both as two sides of the same animal, i.e. parasitic creatures feeding off the big teet of corporate money (and power). They are anarchists with their own political and societal philosophy (actually quite refreshing compared to the gutter greed of the Dims and Repugs).

    It has been a happy day, thank you. Two court cases dismissed. A small rain squall followed by a double rainbow against a grey sky. And swallows who live near by scolding me for sticking my head out the window. It's a beautiful natural world... if we would just let it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:56 PM  

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