Taxing Horse Carts Is Next
One of the many reasons that green advocates have long used as a "reason" why high gas prices were a good thing is that it would get individuals out of their cars, lessening traffic and pollution and the whole host of other ills that they associate with cars. Well there is one very bad thing about that plan, as today's SL Tribune points out.
I wonder how that is working out for my friends in Minnesota - remember we had a bridge fall down last year (more on that tomorrow) that was caused (according to local Democrat legislators) by a lack of money for road repairs....
OK - all snark aside, conservatives warned them this was coming. We said adding to the cost of driving would make people drive less. "That's a good thing" the legislature said. "No it's not" we relied - "gas tax revenues will fall" we said. Well what do you know....they raised taxes and we STILL don't have enough to fix our crumbling infrastructure.
Friday is the 1 year anniversary of the 35W bridge collapse. It is a warning to the rest of the country. However, in order to get more money from the gas tax, you are going to have to encourage MORE driving not less. Which means that you are going to have to tell one of your special interest groups to compromise. Either the environmentalists are going to have to give ground or the road construction unions are going to have to give.
We have to start demanding that our legislatures (state and federal) do what is best for the PEOPLE and not what is best for their special interest groups. It's that simple. Will they do so? Only if "we the people" demand it.
Burned by high gasoline prices, Americans are cutting back their driving. In several ways, that's a good thing - less air pollution, less consumption of oil, fewer traffic deaths. But in one way it's a problem. There is less tax money available for the federal and state governments to build new roads and repair existing ones.
That might not be a concern if U.S. highways were mostly new, but they're not. The Interstate Highway System was built half a century ago, and as we are seeing in Utah, much of it is worn out and in need of expansion. Think of I-15 in Utah County.
The federal government reported Monday that Americans drove 3.7 percent fewer miles in May than they did in the same month a year ago. Utahns cut their driving 4.4 percent.
As a result, there will be an estimated $5 billion deficit in the Federal Highway Trust Fund next year. Here's the reason: The federal gasoline tax is 18.4 cents per gallon. As motorists drive fewer miles and switch to vehicles that get better gas mileage, they burn fewer gallons of gasoline, which means less federal revenue for building and repairing highways.
I wonder how that is working out for my friends in Minnesota - remember we had a bridge fall down last year (more on that tomorrow) that was caused (according to local Democrat legislators) by a lack of money for road repairs....
That can't beeeee....they promised us that this would bring more money into the fund....The Minnesota Legislature this year increased the state gas tax by 8.5 cents, which is still being phased in.
Even with the rate increase, Gray said state transportation officials are predicting a drop in gas-tax collection, with a 0.6 percent drop forecasted each year in 2009, 2010, and 2011.
OK - all snark aside, conservatives warned them this was coming. We said adding to the cost of driving would make people drive less. "That's a good thing" the legislature said. "No it's not" we relied - "gas tax revenues will fall" we said. Well what do you know....they raised taxes and we STILL don't have enough to fix our crumbling infrastructure.
Friday is the 1 year anniversary of the 35W bridge collapse. It is a warning to the rest of the country. However, in order to get more money from the gas tax, you are going to have to encourage MORE driving not less. Which means that you are going to have to tell one of your special interest groups to compromise. Either the environmentalists are going to have to give ground or the road construction unions are going to have to give.
We have to start demanding that our legislatures (state and federal) do what is best for the PEOPLE and not what is best for their special interest groups. It's that simple. Will they do so? Only if "we the people" demand it.
Labels: 35W Bridge collapse, 85
Wait a second, you mean when government taxed an activity, the activity level decreased?
Who da thunk it?
Cameron, at 1:37 PM
Does your dogma bite? Oh yes.
President Bush is responsible for the Enron Loophole, the weak dollar, the invasion of Iraq, threatening war with Iran, and buying more oil for the strategic reserve from his pals in the "ahl bidness," at premium prices.
When Bush took office on January 20, 2001, the national average gas price was $1.46 a gallon.
rmwarnick, at 4:46 PM
President Bush....responsible for legislation that President CLINTON signed into law? How in the heck did he pull that one off rmwarnick? Mind control?????
Speaking of dogma what does your comment have to do with the price of tea in China rmwarnick?
I'll give you the weak dollar (although he did have ample help from spendthrifts in both parties) but let's not forget that in 2006 (when gas was $2.54 a gallon) the Democrats promised us a plan to get gas back down to $1.46 mark. Instead - gas prices have almost tripled and they have YET to put a plan out other than to say "release 50 million gallons from the Strategic Oil Reserve". 50 million gallons is less than one weeks worth of oil and won't amount to a hill of beans. What we need is not immediate relief, but a long term plan to make sure that America is energy independent for the next 100 years. The Republicans in the House are at least putting forward ideas. What are the Democrats saying? All they are saying is "No We Can't!"
The Lady Logician, at 5:19 PM
So you're saying that because the Democrats are incompetent, that proves the Republicans aren't malicious?
Where's the logic?
rmwarnick, at 10:14 AM
Is this how you get your exercise...jumping to conclusions?
How is $4 a gallon gas not malicious to the struggling family of 4 making under $50,000 a year? What is malicious about trying to bring the price of food, heating oil and gas to get to work down?
The Lady Logician, at 10:26 AM
Oh yeah, let's blame the Democrats. They invented the Enron Loophole, caused the weak dollar, invaded Iraq and threatened Iran. They drove up oil prices, making record profits for Exxon Mobil.
To believe that, you have to ignore the fact that Bush and Cheney work for the oil and gas industry.
But nice of you to pretend that Republicans care about people other than the richest 1 percent.
rmwarnick, at 3:07 PM
I'm a Republican, and I care about people other than the richest 1 percent.
Tell me, rmwarnick, did you know that over 90% of the worlds oil is pumped and sold by national oil companies. In Norway, Venezuela, Russia, etc.? That Bush and Cheney work for "Big Oil" might play with the others in your commune, but it doesn't stand up to even minimal scrutiny.
Kermit, at 3:29 PM
I never said the Bush administration's policies were smart. I said they were malicious. Iran and al Qaeda benefit from high oil profits as well as Bush, Cheney and their friends.
rmwarnick, at 4:33 PM
I didn't think so. Do you get those talking points in e-mails, or do they send them through them mail?
Malicious. Right.
Kermit, at 5:00 PM
I make up my own talking points. Do you get your from Karl Rove?
rmwarnick, at 5:04 PM
No. Karl gets his from me.
(You do know that he hasn't been part of the Bush administration for...oh forget it. You redefine clueless liberal.)
Kermit, at 6:53 PM
Boys, boys, nice now...
"Oh yeah, let's blame the Democrats. They invented the Enron Loophole, caused the weak dollar, invaded Iraq and threatened Iran. They drove up oil prices, making record profits for Exxon Mobil."
Um....rmw....I believe that I said that President Clinton had help from A REPUBLICAN LEAD CONGRESS! Did you miss that part?
"I said they were malicious."
How so? Please explain....
If you want to talk about record "profits" let's talk about the record profits that GOVERNMENT makes on a product that they have no part in producing....
The Lady Logician, at 7:06 PM
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