Someone Gets It
God Bless Hillary Clinton - she gets it!
This is one reason why the Republican Party breathed a huge sigh of relief when Barack Obama won the Democrats primaries. Senator Clinton is a smart politician....she and the former President did not get where they are being anything less.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton marched for labor and stumped with Democrats on Saturday but sidestepped questions about the woman who has displaced her as the nation's most-talked-about female leader.
Clinton brushed aside questions about Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin during appearances at New York City's annual labor parade and later during a stop on Staten Island.
"This election is about issues, and that's what's going to matter to people at the end of the day," she told reporters who asked her about the Alaska governor at a rally for a Democratic congressional candidate at Wagner College.
Say what you will about the Clintons, you have to give Senator Clinton credit. She understands why the Obama campaign's smears of Sarah Palin are counter-productive and she refuses to participate in them.
This is one reason why the Republican Party breathed a huge sigh of relief when Barack Obama won the Democrats primaries. Senator Clinton is a smart politician....she and the former President did not get where they are being anything less.
Labels: Senator Hillary Clinton
While I agree with you on respect for the Clinton skill in politics, I'd like to see an example of one of these said "smears." With links, of course.
Too often I'm seeing the valid questioning of a person's record and position on issues (something we should be asking more about, not less... of ALL candidates) touted as "smears."
Provide some substance for that claim, if you will.
Jason The, at 12:29 PM
Hillary made such a big deal about experience, ready on day one, 3 am phone calls... Now none of that matters? I guess it was just a bunch political b.s. as far as she was concerned, failed talking points.
rmwarnick, at 6:05 PM
Jason darlin....just go back and read my posts from the last week. Then go read any posts on CNN, MSNBC or ABC on Governor Palin....
Oh and then the is Senator Obama's repeated ignoring her tenure as governor - calling her a small town mayor and calling her town "Wasilly".....
Really - if you don't know about the smears then you just have not been paying attention.
The Lady Logician, at 6:31 PM
And a Senator with 143 days total time served is more prepared?????
Honestly Richard....has Senator Obama run a business or a city or a state? Has he run ANYTHING (other than for higher office)? And the running a campaign does not count....that is what his CAMPAIGN MANAGER does...
The Lady Logician, at 6:32 PM
Oh and Jason....if you go back to my post entitle "Mommy Wars" you will see links like this one....
That list out all of the slimy falsehoods and half truths that the man who promised us a "different" kind of campaign has spread about Governor Palin.
The Lady Logician, at 7:27 PM
I'd like to see an example of one of these said "smears." With links, of course.
My pleasure, Jason.
Randi Rhodes (ain't she hot?) suggesting Sarah Palin is a teen molester.
She's on your side. You know, the one that's sinking faster than the Titanic?
Kermit, at 3:34 PM
Fix linky, Lady?
Kermit, at 3:35 PM
Hey! She can see Russia from her state!
Of course, as one person pointed out, I can see the moon from my backyard. Makes me an astronaut, eh?
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
Oh so witty anonymous....oh so witty. Why with policy like that you are bound to win the election...
Oh wait - that was not policy that was just a random attack at a conservative woman who dares to step out of her place.....
The Lady Logician, at 6:47 PM
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