Another Reason Why The GOP Is in Trouble...
Mike Huckabee.....
I'm all for bringing common sense back into the process. Heaven knows there is a certain lack of it in politics as a whole. However, the former Governor from Arkansas is HARDLY the one to bring that about...
Emphasis mine. Since when did "government driven solutions to peoples problems" become a CONSERVATE trait Governor????? If anyone is the "Faux-Con", Governor, it is you and not former Senator Thompson or former Governor Romney (two former rivals that Gov. Huckabee aimed his sights at).
Please, Governor, for the sake of the party go back to Arkansas where your "faux" conservative/populism sells. The rest of us are not buying it.
On Tuesday, that book will arrive on store shelves, and in terms of payback, it will not disappoint. At once a memoir of his campaign, a treatise on the ills of the Republican Party and a blueprint for his own political future, Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement That's Bringing Common Sense Back to America is filled with sharp words for his fellow Republicans who frustrated his bid for the party's nomination.
I'm all for bringing common sense back into the process. Heaven knows there is a certain lack of it in politics as a whole. However, the former Governor from Arkansas is HARDLY the one to bring that about...
In a chapter titled "Faux-Cons: Worse than Liberalism," Huckabee identifies what he calls the "real threat" to the Republican Party: "libertarianism masked as conservatism." He is not so much concerned with the libertarian candidate Ron Paul's Republican supporters as he is with a strain of mainstream fiscal-conservative thought that demands ideological purity, seeing any tax increase as apostasy and leaving little room for government-driven solutions to people's problems. "
Emphasis mine. Since when did "government driven solutions to peoples problems" become a CONSERVATE trait Governor????? If anyone is the "Faux-Con", Governor, it is you and not former Senator Thompson or former Governor Romney (two former rivals that Gov. Huckabee aimed his sights at).
Please, Governor, for the sake of the party go back to Arkansas where your "faux" conservative/populism sells. The rest of us are not buying it.
Labels: Faux Conservatives
There are two threats to the Republican Party. Huckabee *and* Ron Paul. Can't we just shoot them off into space or something and get back to reality?
Margaret, at 8:02 AM
I always was a bit suspicious of Gov Huckabee. That statement of his makes me a whole bunch "suspiciouser".
I disagree wholeheartedly with Margaret, though, about Ron Paul. Margaret, saying those kinds of things leads me to believe you haven't studied what Ron Paul believes. In my opinion, it will be people like Ron Paul who save the Republican party.
Frank Staheli, at 6:10 PM
No Margaret - Gov. Huckabee wins the "Most Dangerous Republican" award hands down....
HUCKABEE: I think they are people who have become, in their minds, the integral part of the Republican Party who are, in fact, not classic Republicans. Here’s what I’m saying. Hard core libertarians.
Ronald Reagan once said that “If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.”
Huckabee would deny a very large portion of the Republican Party a voice because he is every bit as much of a big government socialist as Senator Obama is - which is why he tries to chase the Small Government libertarians out.
The Lady Logician, at 10:03 PM
I agree, I agree.
However, let's understand quite clearly that Huckabee's views are precisely the views held by many religious conservatives that are very strong on family and life issues, but that also see government as an appropriate vehicle for achieving traditional Christian goals. Where do you think GWB's "compassionate conservatism" came from?
A century ago, the people that held these views aligned with progressives, but then progressives started to go very anti-religion, eventually embracing the counter culture of the 60s-70s. This caused many Christians enthusiastic about social welfare issues to defect to the GOP.
Today these people make up a fairly significant chunk of the Republican Party. Simply saying that their views are unconservative will not make them go away. If the GOP wants these people's votes, it will have to address their issues. Sorry, but politics is more about compromise than ideological purity.
Scott Hinrichs, at 9:50 PM
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