Tolerance In Action
The tolerance of the left rears it's ugly head again. This time in response to a resounding rejection by the voters. As a result of the passage of Prop. 8 by California voters, the GLBT community has gone off....on Mormon Temples across the country. Whether it is here in Utah, or California, or Seattle or in Colorado the people who demand that the rest of the world accept their "alternate lifestyles" are now engaging in the very same type of activity that brought hate crimes legislation to the lexicon. The following story was related to me by a friend. This happened to someone he knows who was in Los Angeles on Election Day.
No matter your feelings about the Mormon Church (and I am no Mormon so I have no "dog" in this fight) they have the same rights to preach issues to their flock as the Catholic Church, the Baptist Church (where I belong) or any other church has. IF their flock goes out and acts on that teaching that is also their rights! As long as the Church is not advocating for or against a specific candidate they are well within their rights do to what they did.
If the GLBT community wants to be upset they should be upset at the voters of California. WE THE PEOPLE in California spoke - if the GLBT community does not like that maybe they should move to Massachusetts or something. But taking out their electoral loss is just as hate filled as anything they accuse others who do not approve of their "alternative lifestyles" of being.
As additional information for those who missed the news, I was at the temple assisting in the security efforts and it was quite an experience. Our temple is safe and no damage was done on the grounds.It was a site I never expected to see. At one point we had let in about 20 police vehicles through the gates because they were afraid their vehicles would be damaged as civilian cars were being vandalized. I removed the Utah plates from my truck just so I could drive through the mess and park blocks away. Two full squads of LAPD in riot gear set up their base inside the temple grounds while SWAT vehicles and hundreds of officers followed the crowds run up Santa Monica and Wilshire Boulevards. I've heard that the crowd was estimated to be over 2,500. The officers inside the temple grounds made a line on the front lawn by the fence. At one point, with 7 news and police helicopters overhead, the crowd began to climb the fence and it looked like there was going to be a lot of trouble.
We had, it seemed, a good fourth of a Polynesian ward there so it could have gotten very interesting very fast. While I was there, I was not aware of anyone actually breaching the fence, but we were asked to move far across the parking lot as they were anticipating the need to shoot tear gas canisters. I never thought I would see the day when police officers would sit perched on the spire of our temple as lookouts.
All of this happened at about 7:30 PM. It should be remembered that most likely many of the law enforcement were not in favor of our stance on Proposition 8, but nevertheless, the men and women were there doing their duty and protecting our property. For that we are grateful. And yes, there was an incident with some of our members who had gone to remove the protest signs from the front fence. One of the protesters did initiate physical contact with one of our sisters so the details are uncertain as to whether the response was fully justified. The lesson to be learned is that it's important to anticipate and avoid such confrontational situations.
Remember the world is watching our reaction and the media is everywhere. In the end, when we keep our cool, the video footage speaks the truth regarding which side is really intolerant and appears hateful when we simply do not respond or do so in a loving and controlled manner.
No matter your feelings about the Mormon Church (and I am no Mormon so I have no "dog" in this fight) they have the same rights to preach issues to their flock as the Catholic Church, the Baptist Church (where I belong) or any other church has. IF their flock goes out and acts on that teaching that is also their rights! As long as the Church is not advocating for or against a specific candidate they are well within their rights do to what they did.
If the GLBT community wants to be upset they should be upset at the voters of California. WE THE PEOPLE in California spoke - if the GLBT community does not like that maybe they should move to Massachusetts or something. But taking out their electoral loss is just as hate filled as anything they accuse others who do not approve of their "alternative lifestyles" of being.
Labels: Ganders and Geese, Hypersensitive America, Hypocrisy, Identity Politics, Inconsistent Liberals
You place the words lifestyle in quotes and flippantly suggest that working men, women, and families uproot and "move to Mass" as if you speak from some level of superiority to the gays and lesbians in our community.
How Christian!
And the gay men and women protesting in CA have as much right do so as the LDS Church had the right to funnel money and support into the state to pass the prop.
This juxtaposition of the Evangelical and LDS coalition as a victim in a battle they picked willingly is laughable, and your rhetoric is deplorable.
Jason The, at 3:20 AM
What he said!
(I hate when Jason gets somewhere first!)
JM Bell, at 12:41 PM
I love the whole idea that the LDS - a church with its own history of "alternative" marriage ideas - steps in to try to tell us how the rest of us how to conduct our marriages.
Anonymous, at 12:48 PM
The LDS Church did more than preach, they stole people's constitutional rights. You can't do that, then be surprised when angry Americans turn up at your gates.
rmwarnick, at 5:02 PM
Jason - my "lifestyle" choices are mine - not yours and certainly not that of the LDS church. However, I will not be so presumptuous as to FORCE MY "lifestyle choices" on you or the LDS Church or anyone else for that matter. If the LDS chooses to advocate based on their beliefs WHO ARE YOU (or I for that matter) to harass or terrorize them because of those choices.
Anon - you have a point. However, as my LDS neighbors will tell you, polygamy is NO LONGER PRACTICED by the LDS - now are gays gonna give up their lifestyle any time soon? I somehow doubt that will happen....
Richard - HOW did they "steal" the people's rights? They advocated on an electoral issue. Last I looked they did not prevent ANYONE from getting to the polls.
Your anger (at the church) is woefully misplaced! Your anger should be directed at the VOTERS OF CALIFORNIA. For they are the ones who voted down gay marriage - not the LDS Church.
Nice try though.....
The Lady Logician, at 9:41 PM
This is an honest question to those in support of gay marriage. Why marriage as opposed to a civil union? What benefits do you gain through marriage that you don't gain through a civil union? It's weird to me that the GLBT community is making such a big deal out of this.
To me, it's kind of like snowboarders and skiers sharing the same mountain. They can't come in and tell me I have to call what they do skiing (when really everyone else knows what they do is snowboarding), but we can all share the benefits of going down the same snowy mountain. Even Elton John has stated that the GLBT community would be better off if they just pursued the civil union thing. Marriage is between a man and a woman--always has been and always will be. I honestly don't understand what calling gay unions marriage accomplishes. Someone who is educated and articulate, please educate me.
The other thing that has me very confused here is that the Mormons are being accused as being intolerant. When I moved from California to take a job here in California, I found this culture here different, but far from intolerant. All of my friends in California are not Mormons but only a small handful voted against Prop 8. If I understand it correctly, all the other churches in California were in on it too. Why are Mormon's getting singled out here? And while we're talking about intolerance, it appears to me that the GLBT community is being much more hateful, intolerant, disrespectful and despicable towards Mormon's than anyone in the Mormon faith, or any faith for that manner has ever been towards anyone in the GLBT community. This is insanity--ya'll need to stop hating and start being reasonable.
Anonymous, at 10:34 PM
I really like this quote from the (LDS) Church.
It is important to understand that this issue for the Church has
always been about the sacred and divine institution of marriage — a
union between a man and a woman.
Allegations of bigotry or persecution made against the Church were and are simply wrong. The Church's opposition to same-sex marriage neither constitutes nor condones any kind of hostility toward gays and
lesbians. Even more, the Church does not object to rights for
same-sex couples regarding hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights,
so long as these do not infringe on the integrity of the traditional
family or the constitutional rights of churches.
arc, at 12:13 AM
One last thought and question for Jason, JMBell, Anonymous and Richard.....
Suppose that conservatives acted in the same manner toward ACORN or the ACLU or any other politically active group on the left. Would your remarks be the same "well the group asked for it?" or would your response be a little closer to my response here? If it would be close to the latter, why is your response not the same here?
Do any of you dare answer?
The Lady Logician, at 7:48 AM
Your analogy falls apart because ACORN and the ACLU are trying to help people exercise their constitutional rights. They are not denying those rights.
rmwarnick, at 11:57 AM
Exactly! Constitutional rights such as disenfranchising voters as, in the case of ACORN, helping Al Franken find extra votes in the trunks of cars and in precincts where "fatigue" caused pollworkers to originally miscount Franken votes but none others on the same ballots.
I'll rephrase your previous statement to give it some truth:
The [4 California Supreme Court Justices] did more than [interpret], they [invented] people's constitutional rights [out of thin air].
Frank Staheli, at 4:21 PM
To quote someone else....
What he said!
(I hate it when Frank gets somewhere ahead of me.....)
The Lady Logician, at 8:17 PM
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