The Flag Still Stands.
I yield the floor to Logical Lady Twila Brase (from the inbox today).
Barack Obama is our President elect. The people have spoken and the world has NOT come to an end. The sun rose and the flag flew and life goes on. Yes we will fight on the issues, but this conservative will not drink the hemlock kool-aid. THIS Conservative will work all the harder to make sure that we do better in 2010 and 2012 and all the while I will NOT stoop to the level of hatred toward President Obama that the progressive movement stooped to with President Bush. There will be no cries of "selected not elected", no bumper stickers calling for impeachment over any slight, no "Not MY President", no "Don't Blame Me I Voted McCain" or "Somewhere in Illinois a village is missing it's idiot". None of that. Yes I will argue against issues and ideology, but arguing issues and ideology are NOT THE SAME as the bumper sticker hate that we have seen from the left.
The sun still shines and the flag still waves and the Republic marches on. God Bless America.
Dear Friends,
Allow me to share some good news with you today.
As I stepped out of my car to walk into CCHC's office, something caught my attention on the top of a nearby building.
Blowing in the wind was an American flag.
here it stood - tall, unwavering, strong and true.
It was a reminder that the flag still stands for the freedom we all believe in.
Like our flag, we too must stand tall and strong.
Those who cherish our hard-fought rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" must hold high the flag and all that it stands for so that it can be seen from sea to shining sea...and farther still, across the sea.
Our freedom can be lost. But let's remember, it can also be taken back.
Proponents of big government ideas are very excited this morning. Perhaps we should be as well. This election provides an opportunity for all of us to rise to freedom's challenge.
We who believe in a government of the people, by the people and for the people must prepare now and in the days ahead to actively engage in the battle for liberty. When the bad ideas of the newly elected fail, we must be ready with freedom's response.
In the days ahead, as this new group of policymakers attempt to socialize your medicine, restrict your health care choices, claim ownership to your medical records and DNA, and confiscate more of your wages to pay for their intrusive "public health" agendas, I ask you to use your talents, your time, and your resources to support Citizens' Council on Health Care and other freedom-minded organizations in the battle to protect America and our endowed, inalienable right to be free.
We must never give in and never give up.
The flag still stands.
Barack Obama is our President elect. The people have spoken and the world has NOT come to an end. The sun rose and the flag flew and life goes on. Yes we will fight on the issues, but this conservative will not drink the hemlock kool-aid. THIS Conservative will work all the harder to make sure that we do better in 2010 and 2012 and all the while I will NOT stoop to the level of hatred toward President Obama that the progressive movement stooped to with President Bush. There will be no cries of "selected not elected", no bumper stickers calling for impeachment over any slight, no "Not MY President", no "Don't Blame Me I Voted McCain" or "Somewhere in Illinois a village is missing it's idiot". None of that. Yes I will argue against issues and ideology, but arguing issues and ideology are NOT THE SAME as the bumper sticker hate that we have seen from the left.
The sun still shines and the flag still waves and the Republic marches on. God Bless America.
Labels: Election Day
Obama won the popular vote by a comfortable margin, Bush lost by a slight margin. Obama won the electoral college by about 2-to-1, Bush was handed a narrow victory by his daddy's friends. Obama is moderate, thoughtful, and respectful of others' views, Bush is none of these things. So you may pat yourself on the back for handling the outcome of this election much better than the left did after 2000, but I don't think your situation in 2008 is at all comparable to that of those who lost the 2000 election by judicial fiat. And as for hate: DeLay, Falwell, Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter....the conservative infotainment complex can't take credit for having invented hate, but nobody on the contemporary American scene has practiced hatred with such passion and skill. These 'conservatives' hate their opponents, and they hate America.
Anonymous, at 8:49 PM
"Obama is moderate, thoughtful, and respectful of others' views"
Less Kool-Aid please. The man's a radical leftist, and you'd know it had you actually listened to any of his rhetoric. Obama won the popular vote by a margin slightly higher (~400k votes) than Bush did in 2004.
Conservatives don't hate anybody, at least the ones I've known my whole life. We pity you. We're sorry that the Democratic party is one driven by rage, not rationality, and we're excited to see who you're going to blame when the grand socialist paradise under Obama doesn't work as intended.
As Margaret Thatcher said:
"Socialism doesn't work because eventually you run out of other people's money."
Enjoy your victory, but don't come screaming at us when your own party fails you, which we assure you it inevitably will.
Anonymous, at 10:38 PM
The Logical Lady asks, "Are 'Republicans' running around calling their fellow Americans 'stupid' and 'ignorant' because those fellow Americans happen to disagree with them?"
Of course they are - have been for years - but that's not the point I want to make. I want to remind the Lady what one of her compatriots in the "true" conservative movement (Grover Norquist)said four short years ago:
"Once the minority of House and Senate are comfortable in their minority status, they will have no problem socializing with the Republicans. Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they've been fixed, then they are happy and sedate. They are contented and cheerful. They don't go around peeing on the furniture and such."
Let the peeing stop!
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM
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