Ladies Logic

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Political Vandalism Again?

KSL is reporting that 16 cars were vandalized last night. On the tease for the 10pm news they hint that there is political motivation. However, their website indicates that there is still a lot of questions to be answered.

Deputies are hoping to find vandals who smashed the windows of more than a dozen cars overnight on the east side of Salt Lake.

The Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office received calls from people in the area above Wasatch Blvd. between I-80 and I-215. They all said they woke up to cars with smashed windows in their driveways or in front of their homes. In all, 16 cars were vandalized, and somehow there were no witnesses.

Even without suspect descriptions, law enforcement has its theories. Deputy Barry Mortensen, with the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office, said, "Typically it's more of a juvenile crime to smash out windows using good sized rocks, throwing them through the side windows, the backs and the windshields, as well.

However, one victim believes the motivation behind his smashed windows was political. Stephen Osman said, "Someone that's come after us and hit us for political reasons."

His car had the rear and front windshields shattered. What's different about this incident, though, is the note left on the car. The ink faded because of the rain, but up close, it appears to be pro-Obama propaganda.

Osman says maybe he was targeted because his mother is an outspoken Republican talk show host. Other than that, his car wasn't obviously marked. "No pro-McCain, no nothing, no stickers, no lawn signs, nothing," he said.

Deputies say of the 16 cars vandalized, Osman's is the only one with a note. "Certainly that's a possibility that there could be some political motivation. It's hard to say though," Mortensen said.

Sheriff's officials hope someone will call in with a description or any sort of lead. They say any fingerprints were washed away by the rain. "It's frustrating when there's very little, if any physical evidence to go off of. But a lot of times we get lucky breaks with juveniles because they like to talk," Mortensen said.

Deputies say chances are, there are more than these 16 cars smashed and that they'll be getting more calls tonight and tomorrow when people return from weekend trips.

If you have any more information, call the Sheriff's Office.

Emphasis mine. Sixteen cars and only one note? And a washed out one at that????? At this point, with the information at hand, I am inclined to agree with KSL commenter gemstone who said...

I live below that area and the Canyon winds were blowing everything around, upside down, and every such way. How in the world did that note stay right by the car? Somebody out smashing windows are not going to take the time to write a note and leave it.

Swirling winds have indeed been whipping all up and down the Wasatch Front since late Thursday night. They got even stronger last night. How could a slip of paper, even one slipped under a windshield wiper blade have not been torn out or ripped after being buffeted around for 6 to 8 hours? If it was politically motivated why did only one car (out of 16 hit) get the courtesy of an explanation?

There is something very fishy about this story as it stands reported now.



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