Ladies Logic

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This Is Why People HATE Politics.

Yesterday I felt the need to reiterate my comments policy after some anonymous coward left comments spreading unfounded rumors about Jason Chaffetz in response to my post here. Apparently this anonymous coward decided to leave his (or her to be fair) noxious musings at other locations across the Bloghive prompting JM Bell (not known to be a Chaffetz supporter) to cry foul. Well sometime late yesterday and again today, another anonymous coward decided that since a Spencer supporter (or so he/she thought) was going to slime Chaffetz that it was only "fair" that someone slime Spencer in return - excusing his (or her to be fair) scurrilous charges with...

Hey, if the Dems can sling it around, surely an independant (sic) can pose a few quesstions (sic). The answers to each of these can be verrified (sic) if an entreprising (sic) reporter who DIDN'T work at the Trib were so inclined to followup (sic).

A few posts later another anonymous poster (or perhaps the same coward) put up accusations that were well beyond the pale. I will not do either candidate the disservice of reposting them because they were that bad.

The bottom line is that neither candidate deserves this treatment. I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet both Mr. Chaffetz and Mr. Spencer and I found them to be wonderful, delightful people who simply do not deserve to have their names smeared in so shameful a manner and even if they were hideous, vile, nasty people they still do not deserve this treatment. There is an old adage about doing unto others that these cowards should all be mindful of.

As I said late last week, all people of good will need to stand together to decry this kind of discourse. I certainly do not agree with JM Bell on many issues, but I do agree that this kind of abhorrent behavior needs to be stopped. These kinds of actions do not reflect well on either candidate or their supporters. My plea to both sides is this - let's talk issues not personal peccadilloes and if you simply can not discuss one candidate without being personal then for God's sake do everyone a favor and KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! The rest of the world thanks you in advance.

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  • I'm glad that other Chaffetz supporters are commenting on this as well. It's sad how low some people will go. The low level of much of the political discourse is a sad indication of our decline.

    Most people don't want to get involved when they know they will be subjected to this sort of trash.

    By Blogger Bradley, at 2:56 PM  

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