What Are They Thinking?
The Salt Lake Tribune saved the best for last apparently. They endorsed candidates for the 1st and 2nd district on Saturday and today they endorsed for the 3rd district. It was not a surprising endorsement.
Party reform is needed within the Republican Party (as I noted on Friday) however now is not the time for that discussion. Now is the time to totally dissect the SLTrib's "reasons" for supporting Bennion Spencer.
First is Spencer's "opposition" to drilling in ANWR.
One has to wonder what exactly Spencer DOES support. In response to a question at the UVU debate, where Spencer was asked specifically about drilling in ANWR he said "Drill everywhere, I say!" If Spencer is so easily swayed between positions depending on who he is speaking to, how can we expect him to stand up for the district in the face of intense lobbying or his caucus leadership?
Then there is his support of the Bush Administration's bail-out. That is not going to sit well with the Bush hating, far left in his base. Then there is the fact that this bail out was horrible policy to begin with. Groups like IBD and Market Watch were opposed to the bail out as were many prominent economists. Especially after the Senate got done adding $150 BILLION in pork projects to the bill.
Then comes the obligatory reference to Chaffetz' purported "xenophobia", a lie that I addressed here, here, here, here and oh yes here.
The next two paragraphs were by far the funniest (although I suspect an attempt at humor was not on the editoral boards mind when they wrote it).
Given the fact that Bennion Spencer went from supporting an "all of the above" energy policy on his website to repeating (ad naseum) the Democrat House Leaderships "we can't drill our way out of this crisis" mantra, it sure seems that if anyone is kow towing to the dictates of party purity it is Bennion Spencer.
The SL Trib closes with this.
The problem is we have too many people in Washington DC that are compromising their principles in order to "get things done" in Congress. We need people in DC who can stand up to the compromisers and do what is best for the country, rather than what will get them re-elected. That is what propelled Jason Chaffetz past Rep. Chris Cannon in the primary and what (I suspect) will propel Jason to Congress in 9 days.
Utah's 3rd Congressional District hasn't been represented by a Democrat since the early 1990s and is the most Republican of the state's three districts. Right up there with the most conservative in the country, in fact.
The question that 3rd District voters will answer on Nov. 4 is whether they want to be represented in Congress by the radical right-wing idealogue Jason Chaffetz, who is at odds with much of his own party, or Bennion Spencer, a right-of-center Democrat and erstwhile Republican.
But setting aside any consideration of party labels,The Salt Lake Tribune editorial board believes Bennion Spencer would better represent Utah County and the rest of the district than would Chaffetz, who cites party reform, not the drafting and shaping of legislation, as his top priority.
Party reform is needed within the Republican Party (as I noted on Friday) however now is not the time for that discussion. Now is the time to totally dissect the SLTrib's "reasons" for supporting Bennion Spencer.
First is Spencer's "opposition" to drilling in ANWR.
Chaffetz favors drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; Spencer does not.
One has to wonder what exactly Spencer DOES support. In response to a question at the UVU debate, where Spencer was asked specifically about drilling in ANWR he said "Drill everywhere, I say!" If Spencer is so easily swayed between positions depending on who he is speaking to, how can we expect him to stand up for the district in the face of intense lobbying or his caucus leadership?
Then there is his support of the Bush Administration's bail-out. That is not going to sit well with the Bush hating, far left in his base. Then there is the fact that this bail out was horrible policy to begin with. Groups like IBD and Market Watch were opposed to the bail out as were many prominent economists. Especially after the Senate got done adding $150 BILLION in pork projects to the bill.
Then comes the obligatory reference to Chaffetz' purported "xenophobia", a lie that I addressed here, here, here, here and oh yes here.
The next two paragraphs were by far the funniest (although I suspect an attempt at humor was not on the editoral boards mind when they wrote it).
For us, the chief difference between the candidates is that one has the instincts of a collaborative problem-solver and the other has the markings of a self-righteous zealot.
Chaffetz vows he will be "pounding on lecterns" when he gets to Washington. We acknowledge that this rhetoric plays well with voters justifiably angry with their government. But unbending adherence to political ideology is partly to blame for the current mess, and it surely is no recipe for getting out of it.
Given the fact that Bennion Spencer went from supporting an "all of the above" energy policy on his website to repeating (ad naseum) the Democrat House Leaderships "we can't drill our way out of this crisis" mantra, it sure seems that if anyone is kow towing to the dictates of party purity it is Bennion Spencer.
The SL Trib closes with this.
The art of politics is principled compromise, and it is regrettable that Jason Chaffetz seems to have no eye for complementary colors. Bennion Spencer clearly does, and would take that vision to Congress.
The problem is we have too many people in Washington DC that are compromising their principles in order to "get things done" in Congress. We need people in DC who can stand up to the compromisers and do what is best for the country, rather than what will get them re-elected. That is what propelled Jason Chaffetz past Rep. Chris Cannon in the primary and what (I suspect) will propel Jason to Congress in 9 days.
Labels: Bennion Spencer, Jason Chaffetz
Well said! Jason is clearly the one Utahns need right now. Spencer has really left many wondering what he really believes. Regardless, who needs the Tribune endorsement anyway? This article only adds to the reason why I am not a subscriber to their single-agenda writing.
Anonymous, at 8:54 PM
Nice dissection of the Trib editorial. They discredit themselves. Fortunately, the left-leaning trib endorsement is largely irrelevant in the 3rd district.
As for the "Questions", it is quite a statement that the best that Jason's opponents can do is to resort to innuendo and outright deceit.
I am voting early. Tomorrow I will cast my vote for Jason Chaffetz.
Dave Duncan, at 12:04 AM
When a newspaper endorses a candidate, I have to ask myself, "Is this really the correct role in journalism?" I don't feel that it is. A journalist needs to investigate and report the facts accurately. Readers, and in the case of elections, readers need to draw their own conclusions. Lady L has made excellent points that highlight the biased reporting in the Tribune. This endorsement was just the exclamation point on that reporting.-- DorothyJane
(Once again, I'm posting as Anonymous due to problems with my Google acct)
Anonymous, at 12:59 AM
I also was not shocked by the Trib endorsement. They've been pretty much endorsing him from the beginning. No matter though, as Lady L has pointed out, their reasons for supporting him are deeply flawed.
Anonymous, at 9:05 AM
"Anonymous Questions for Jason said...
How do you know David? Go ahead and toe tap down to the polls and vote for Jason, and quite possibly vote for the Utah Larry Craig."
Questions - I would suggest you go to my right sidebar and read my comment policy IMMEDIATELY! These kind of unfounded allegations will not be allowed in my comments I don't care who it is about - PERIOD END OF DISCUSSION. You have 12 hours to provide ANY kind of proof that Jason Chaffetz has Larry Craig type tendencies or your comment WILL BE DELETED!
The Lady Logician, at 9:33 AM
To the author of "Questions for Jason":
Some of these questions Jason Chaffetz HAS answered. For example, you asked "What is the truth behind your resignation from Governor Huntsman’s office?"
On October 11th, 2005 the Deseret news reported: " There was no specific occurrence or incident that caused him to leave, Chaffetz said, except that he wants to earn more money and spend more time with his young family -- he has three children.
"As we all know, being chief of staff is a 365-day-a-year job," he said.
Chaffetz also took a bad spill from a ladder earlier this year, and rehabilitation on his injured heel is painful and lengthy, he said."
So Chaffetz did answer that question. I gave you the source and citation, look it up yourself. Then make sure you display some honor and integrity by publicly correcting your erroneous statement as often as you have posted them.
As for the rest of your questions, I have been searching the internet for several hours for anything about Chaffetz and San Fransisco, or reimbursements, or stolen property...and I have found zero references to any of them.
That is so odd...with the world wide web, valid items get duplicated over and over, yet there is ZERO mentions of any of these things anywhere on the net. (that's zero as in "zip", "zilch", "nada" and "none whatsoever"
Therefore, it is logical that Jason hasn't answered these questions because he has never yet been asked the questions...and Chaffetz could not have been asked these innuendo laden questions before because you have just now made them up and posted them here for the first time ever.
However, I'll take a stab at them for you:
"What happened in San Fransisco in the late 1980's" - This is an easy question to answer. Among other things, There was a big earthquake during the World Series in October 1989, and the band "Journey" had a great concert that year.
Did that clear things up for you?
As for the credit card reimbursements and acquiring property that didn't belong to Mr Chaffetz, I can unequivocally state that Mr. Chaffetz has not done either of those things. Unless you can prove otherwise, with citations and sources, please refrain from ad hominem attacks and focus on real issues. (It makes you look really unethical, and I'm sure that's not the case, right?)
The "Colorado Strategy" that Democrats have used successfully in Colorado to throw out meaningless made up innuendos, (i.e. just like your questions here) a few days before the election wont work here in Utah.
Anonymous, at 10:08 AM
It is pretty low to base your entire campaign on trying to smear someone’s good name.
Is that all the democrat candidate is getting for his $6000 of political consulting?
I am sure Bennion is a good person, but what is with the back biting rumors that have no foundation of truth?
Jason Chaffetz has the endorsement of the Gov. He has the endorsement from his past employers. He has the endorsement of a former BYU football player that knows Jason.
I know, Jason didn’t get the endorsement of a former Alpine Country Club president, nor the Esquire magazine..nor the Trib.
arc, at 10:28 AM
Arc - apparently "Questions" is going around the Utah bloghive and leaving these allegations everywhere. You know it is bad when Jim Bell has even demanded proof of the allegations!
Questions - your time is almost up! Provide your proof or you comments will be deleted with ALL DUE PREJUDICE!
The Lady Logician, at 5:55 PM
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