Prayers For The Obama Family
Feh - there is no room in civil discourse for this kind of crap. I will not even sully the pages of this site with many excerpts other than this one....
Which lead an acquaintance to quip "why wait until Thursday if she is that sick? It's just another ploy..." at which point I must say I blew up. We do not know the circumstances of Mrs. Dunham's illness...for all we know she could be in ICU with no visitors allowed! It is entirely possible (as I know from personal experience) that the doctors will keep visitors out due to infection concerns (which are guaranteed in most elderly people). Then again, maybe it was nothing major at all which would again allow for the delayed visit!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Obama family. I know what it is like to have an ailing relative in the hospital and it is never fun - especially someone Mrs. Dunham's age. Let's pray that she recovers quickly and fully so that she can witness the final two weeks of her grandson's historic race for the Presidency.
Obama announced that his grandmother is very sick and that he will visit her Thursday and Friday after she came home from the hospital last week.
Which lead an acquaintance to quip "why wait until Thursday if she is that sick? It's just another ploy..." at which point I must say I blew up. We do not know the circumstances of Mrs. Dunham's illness...for all we know she could be in ICU with no visitors allowed! It is entirely possible (as I know from personal experience) that the doctors will keep visitors out due to infection concerns (which are guaranteed in most elderly people). Then again, maybe it was nothing major at all which would again allow for the delayed visit!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Obama family. I know what it is like to have an ailing relative in the hospital and it is never fun - especially someone Mrs. Dunham's age. Let's pray that she recovers quickly and fully so that she can witness the final two weeks of her grandson's historic race for the Presidency.
Labels: Senator Barack Obama
Commendable, and not just because it's directed at my preferred candidate.
I think it's easy to get wrapped up in the "heat" of political battles and forget that even our perceived opponents are human beings. For these same reasons I find speculations on McCain's previous bought with cancer distasteful.
In another state at another time I worked on a campaign where the opponent had a child with disabilities. The candidate I was working for made a comment one day to the media about his opponents voting habits on special education spending being "self-serving, as he was voting to save on his own bills." It may have in fact been the case, but I walked off the campaign in disgust.
We can enjoy healthy opposition and even heated confrontation without reducing ourselves to such a level that we forget who we are.
There's my token Kumbaya speech for 2008, heh.
Jason The, at 7:58 PM
I hear ya Jason. There is no reason why we can not disagree on issues and still walk away respecting one another as human beings. Regardless of the outcome in 10 days, the next President will be OUR President. After the battle is done, we need to work together to solve a lot of problems.
The Lady Logician, at 10:37 PM
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