The Audacity of.....Rage?????
When Laurie Coleman, wife of U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, hauled her trash to the alley at 7:30 this morning, a chilling sight greeted her.
Spray-painted in black on the wooden siding of the garage in the couple’s Summit Hill neighborhood was this angry graffiti, in letters nearly a foot high: “U R A CRIMINAL RESIGN OR ELSE! PSALM 2”
On the alley side, each double-bay stall door had the word “SCUM” spray painted in black ink, as a did a wooden partition in between.
St. Paul police say Coleman is at least the fourth Minnesota member of Congress to be targeted in a similar fashion. Police spokesman Pete Panos says detectives are aware of U.S. Reps. Michele Bachmann, Jim Ramstad and John Kline each having their property vandalized.
Now I am not going to claim that this is the doing of partisan Democrats, but I will point out that the 4 targeted Legislators ARE the only Republicans in Minnesota's federal delegation so many are already making that particular link. I will say that this has no place whatsoever in political discourse. It is one thing to disagree on the issues - that we should all be able to handle. It is another thing to spray paint threats on the homes of elected officials.
I know several people, including Michael from MDE are running down the story so stay tuned. As I find out updates I will post them.
The Star Tribune has updated their story with this quote from Congressman Kline's press spokesman Troy Young.
A spokesman for Kline, Troy Young, said similar language was spray painted on the congressman's garage door, although he declined to say what the words were or when the incident occurred. He said that what was written wasn't phrased a threat. Young would not say whether Kline was home at the time.
I wonder if we will hear the same from Bachman and Ramstad? Stay tuned.
UPDATE 2: Democrats Amy Klobuchar and Keith Ellison are on the list now.
Also vandalized in similar fashion: U.S. Sen Amy Klobuchar and U.S. Reps. Keith Ellison, John Kline, Michelle Bachmann and Jim Ramstad. Klobuchar and Ellison are Democrats; Coleman, Kline, Bachmann and Ramstad, Republicans.
Ellison's appears to be the only incident so far in which the home itself was vandalized. Campaign manager Larry Weiss said that Ellison's wife, Kim, went out this morning and found graffiti that said "Traitor. Resign now. Psalm 2" across the side of their corner home. The word "SCUM" was spraypainted above the garage door -- high enough, Weiss said, that the culprit probably would have needed a stepstool.
So this now appears to be a bi-partisan vandal. It appears that the MN LEO's are going to have their work cut out for them.
Michael has pictures of the vandalism at Rep. Bachman's home and it is frightening.

The verbiage that has been used in this is telling. The tagger called Rep. Ellison a "traitor" and Rep. Ramstad a "sell-out" which possibly indicates that the person involved in this had some expectation for the two on an issue and it didn't come to fruition, thus invoking the taggers ire. The comment "still a target" in front of Rep. Bachman's home indicates that the person responsible may have had a previous dealing with Rep. Bachman. Are there other threats that were never reported? It seems that what ever is driving this person is personal and not political which makes it all the more chilling.
UPDATE: Welcome Hot Air readers. Check back often as this is a very fluid story.
Labels: Jim Ramstad, John Kline, Michele Bachmann, Sen. Norm Coleman
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