Ladies Logic

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Antics in Philly

Anyone who knows Philly at all is not surprised at this turn of events today.

Rick Leaventhal interviewed one of the two New Black Panther members after the one with the nightstick was removed by the police. I found it hysterical that the NBP member was comment on how "intimidated" he was by a guy who was at least a foot shorter than him who had a microphone.

Now to be clear there were no reports from VOTERS who said that these "gents" denied them access to the polls but the poll watchers did report that the presence of these two guys were indeed "intimidating".

There have been random reports today of irregularities...from poll watchers being denied access to polling facilities and random power outages, there have been hiccoughs and worse across the country. Let us hope, however that it does not escalate beyond this.

More Philly Antics....

Lovely......we have electioneering taking place IN POLLING PLACES (also in Philly)

The New Republic has a partial list of the Shenanigans reported so far.

Herewith a partial accounting of (unsubstantiated) chaos at the polls, as reported by callers to legal volunteers here at Election Protection headquarters:

St. Louis, MO: Voters are being offered $100 to leave the line and abstain from voting.

Warsaw, VA: The lights are out at the precinct and poll workers are using flashlights.

Aurora, CO: "Soiled ballots."

West Orange, NJ: The voting machine broke. Poll workers have paper ballots, but no pencils. Oops.

Market Street, Philadelphia: Voters are cutting in line; poll workers are threatening to shut down the precinct.

Largo, FL: Voters are being booted from line for wearing partisan clothing.

Manassas, VA: A woman is told she has to choose between local and national elections--a volunteer insists she can't vote in both.

Hamilton County, OH: When a scanner broke, the ballots were placed in an envelope and sent downtown. Voters were told the ballots would be counted "tonight or tomorrow."

More from Philadelphia: Partisan volunteers are escorting voters into the booth.

Ingham County, MI: The A-K line is moving slower than the L-Z line.

Pittsburgh, PA: Machines are down, down, down!

Bartow County, GA: Only Republicans are on some ballots; Democrats have to be written in. Also, the booths face open to the line, so your neighbors can see who you're voting for.

Baltimore: Voting machines are stuck in "audio" mode. Elderly woman reports "mass confusion."

There is much much more.....



  • Reading the Logical Lady today, one is reminded of what Rich Lowry mused on Fox last night on the topic of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia, "It's a bad thing for the Republicans when you drill down into these states and you see lots of new voters, newcomers. It's like, where did all the Republicans go? Did they all move to Utah?"

    and the Black Panther intimidation? Must have been some wild movement, because it obviously happened in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, the rest of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa (a hotbed of Black Panther activity, I hear), Minnesota (ditto), the entire West Coast, and even New Mexico. It's truly amazing how the Black Panthers snuck up on the entire electorate and went all intimidation on us.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:32 PM  

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