Much Ado About "Magic"
I suppose the real question is will there ever be agreement among everybody on just what is satire and what is racism?
The answer is not as long as liberals see playing the race card as the political advantage it is...
Shanklin’s stuff is mostly brilliant satire...That is, unless you’re a liberal seeking to make political hay and stifle free expression. You can criticize “Barack the Magic Negro” as unfunny or not in good taste. But when you use the inflammatory word “racism” to describe it, you go beyond critiquing the work and enter the world of pure politics. This liberals do on a regular basis and they get away with the sliming of political speech and speakers they disagree with because the press refuses to call them out on it.
Let's not forget that the phrase was COINED back in March by a white, liberal LA Times columnist. However, no one said a word about it until Shanklin's parody hit the Limbaugh show. After all, it was yet another prime opportunity to paint all Republicans (or all Republicans who listen to Limbaugh's show - which is most of the base) as open racists. After all - only a racist would use that term.....right??????
Rick goes on...
In fact, the left has lowered the bar on what constitutes “racism” by redefining the term to suit their own political needs. And by refusing to acknowledge any set definition of the word, the left deliberately undermines free speech by cutting off debate with liberals firmly ensconced in a superior moral position while the person being unfairly smeared as a racist is unable to defend themselves. If one tries to stand up and fight the charge, they give automatic legitimacy to the left’s argument. And if they remain silent in the face of such slimeball tactics, the smear works and sticks to the accused like glue.
And that is why this was such a stunningly stupid move on Saltzman's part. As long as there are those who continue to dumb down political rhetoric by redefining words at will, we will continue to be a divided nation - in every way. We need to quit allowing others to change the meaning of words on whims. We also need to stand up to those who are insulted at the drop of a hat - while ignoring the real threats and insults to all races.
Republicans need to quit allowing others to define them. They also need to quit being so mind-numbingly naive AS to think that something like this is going to be taken in anything BUT the wrong way by their opponents. Maybe once they do that, they will quit shooting themselves in the foot as often as they do.
Labels: Dumbing Down Rhetoric
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