Ladies Logic

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Pride of Utah

This is one reason why the 3rd District sent this young man to Washington DC.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker/Madam Speaker. I rise to give voice to the need to cut the size and scope of government. While the rhetoric and calls for increased spending continue to escalate, let us also remember it is our duty and our obligation to do more with less.

Over the past 12 years annual federal spending has more than doubled, exceeding $3.1 trillion.

Since January 2007 our government has added an average of $2.8 billion per day to our national debt. If deficit spending were the way to prosperity, our economy would be booming.

We are more than $10 trillion in debt, and there is no end in sight.

Let us remember it is not the government’s money we talk about and spend, it is the American people’s money. And we cannot afford to continue to run this government on a credit card.

We are going to have to do more with less and that means finding ways to cut government spending.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker/Madam Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time.

This is something that has bothered me in the last few weeks. In the last 6 weeks we have seen democrats around the country defending the incoming Obama administration projected deficit spending! Democrats like Maxine Waters, who was on "Meet the Press" just this last Sunday defending the very thing that she has been lambasting the Bush Administration over during the last 8 years!

So the question begs asking again - if we have been engaging in excessive deficit spending over the last 12 years and we are still in a recession, why should the American people believe that even more deficit spending will do the trick? After all, doesn't the old adage "The defination of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" apply here?



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