Speaking of Feeding At The Trough....
Utah's very own "Republican" Governor Jon Huntsman has his hand out for bailout money as well. (HT Michelle Malkin via Stepping Right Up)
Now many will (and have) argue that since the bailout money is coming from the states that it is only fair that the states reach out and take some back. However, the problem with that is it allows the federal government (again) to decide the winners and losers of the "bailout lottery". This also enables states who are poorly managed to continue to mismanage their states thereby continuing the dependency on federal government to bail them out after their mistakes.
If these projects are so very important to the state of Utah, why doesn't Governor Huntsman find a way for the state of Utah to pay for it on our own? I will turn my question from yesterday around and ask Governor Huntsman why should the citizens of Minnesota, Illinois and the rest of the country pay for CNG filling stations that they will never get to use?
With word of a possible $600 billion- to $850 billion-dollar stimulus package from the new administration to state budgets, Huntsman is asking for more than $14 billion for projects ranging from roads to water-treatment facilities. As part of the proposed energy-infrastructure upgrade, the state hopes to receive nearly $4 million in federal funds to beef up natural-gas fueling sites in the state.
Now many will (and have) argue that since the bailout money is coming from the states that it is only fair that the states reach out and take some back. However, the problem with that is it allows the federal government (again) to decide the winners and losers of the "bailout lottery". This also enables states who are poorly managed to continue to mismanage their states thereby continuing the dependency on federal government to bail them out after their mistakes.
If these projects are so very important to the state of Utah, why doesn't Governor Huntsman find a way for the state of Utah to pay for it on our own? I will turn my question from yesterday around and ask Governor Huntsman why should the citizens of Minnesota, Illinois and the rest of the country pay for CNG filling stations that they will never get to use?
Labels: Bailout Mania, Jon Huntsman
It's actually pretty simple:
If the recession continues to deepen, it becomes a depression. The best cure for a recession is spending (and it's better if this stimulus to economic growth happens at the state level).
Having set that forth, there is quite a hypocrisy in your criticism of Huntsman (and don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the waffler): first you criticize him for "having a hand out" and then you complain that the Feds get to decide. If you don't want the feds to decide, isn't it in your interest (as a resident of this state) for Huntsman to have that hand out? And isn't it very capitalist in nature to let the states compete for the money coming from the Fed by presenting their cases one by one?
It's the greatest gap in conservative "understanding" of simple economic principles (this happens to liberals as well). Cuts to spending don't solve every problem, and it is irrational to pretend they do. On the flip, it is irrational to pretend that spending fixes everything, and liberals often fall into that trap. We need to either better educate ourselves about economic principles processes before opening our yaps.
Ideology and parroted talking points sound great in a blog post. They don't make for sound economic policy.
Jason The, at 3:05 AM
The Lady said: "This also enables states who are poorly managed to continue to mismanage their states thereby continuing the dependency on federal government to bail them out after their mistakes."
And by "states" she doesn't mean "banks" so shut up you liberal scum.
Anonymous, at 12:33 PM
Jason - however who going to provide better long term employment prospects? A small business who provides long term employment or the government's short term spending? That's not to say that the government can't help, but putting them in the lead/sole position is not the answer.
As far as the governor and his requests - if these projects are so important to Utah, then Utah should pay for them, just as projects that are important to Minnesota.....That is not to say that there are not some projects - like interstate highway repair or projects at Hill AFB that are also not federal responsibilities....you get the drift. Thanks for asking for clarification though. It is appreciated.
The Lady Logician, at 10:46 PM
Hey Anonymous coward....before you go shooting off at the mouth, you might want to do a little bit of research. If you would read ANY of my posts or listened to ANY of my podcasts on the bank, auto and insurance bailouts you would have known that I was AGAINST THOSE TOO!
Now, where did YOU stand on those bailouts? We already know you are for the state bailouts.....
The Lady Logician, at 10:48 PM
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