Ladies Logic

Saturday, January 03, 2009

A Taxing Idea

We all know that both sides of the political aisle are prone really dumb ideas. It is on display on a daily basis. Today's really dumb idea comes from Utah Governor John Huntsman.

Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. wants the Legislature to once again take up the thorny issue of taxing a whole host of services, from legal fees and accounting and medical bills to things like carpet installation that now go untaxed.

"It doesn't need to be a tax increase. We can balance it out by taking the rest of the sales tax off food, which is something I would propose to do," said Huntsman, who has made repeal of the grocery a priority since he first ran for office in 2004.

What - medical bills aren't high enough as it is for you Governor? There aren't enough people going WITHOUT health care now, you want to add another layer of expense to the equation?????

Seriously, these kinds of services are usually the FIRST cut out of most budgets during a time of recession. I mean would YOU install new carpet in your house if you were worried about losing your job? Somehow I think now.

If you really want to mess with the state's cash flow stability Governor, this is the way to do it....Who knows - if you try hard enough, we could be like Minnesota and have a $5 billion + deficit. Wouldn't that be great?????



  • Oh, LL I fear that Pawlenty will go there too. We already tax medical bills (they like to call it "the provider tax but only a dolt would believe that the cost isn't passed on to the recipient) as you know but expanding the Sales tax to services is going to ream us all (and especially small businesses who will have negative impacts by adding it and paying it for the services THEY use.) Only the industries with the best lobbyists (lawyers?) might dodge this bullet.

    By Blogger Margaret, at 10:16 AM  

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