Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' lang syne ?
And never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' lang syne ?
After the year I have had this year, these lyrics have more meaning than most can imagine. To say that 2008 was "turbulent" for the Logical Household is an understatement of epic proportions. We started the painful, lengthy process of selling our house in Minnesota, moving to Utah and then buying a new house. While this move was a long and often painful process the many joys of 2008 far outweighed them. Through out the process, 2008 was a year in which many new friendships formed and old ones strengthened. As a result, I could not let the year end without a couple of special shout outs.
To Gary Gross at Let Freedom Ring who not only was a sounding board on political issues, but he also spent a lot of time reminding me that I had to give control of my problems to God. Thanks.
To Ed Morrissey - what can I say about a man who is all heart. His friendship has been both a personal blessing and a blogging blessing. I can not thank you enough for all of your input, your assistance at the convention, the odd link at Hot Air and most importantly your friendship.
To Derek, AAA, Brian, Nancy, Mitch and the rest of the True North Junta. September 1 2007 started what has been an amazing ride! You guys started a great year off early and thanks to you I got the once in a lifetime opportunity to blog the convention. I never would have done it with out you!
Speaking of the Tracy and Julie. Thanks for letting me crash at the mansion during the convention. It was a great time!
To my wonderful MN legislators, Claire, Mike and Mark. I simply can not say you are my ex-anything. You all hold such a special place in my life that I simply can not let go - even from almost 1300 miles away. We simply shared so much in the last 6 years. Even though I am not there physically, I will be there in spirit cheering you on!
To my Blog Talk Radio partner in politicsTrue North Junta Jazz Shaw. Even though we have never met, I feel like you and Georg are old friends. Thanks for all you have done for me and mine over the last year.
To all my new Utah political partners in crime - Frank, Monte, Starfish Mama, Arc and the fantastic folks from the Chaffetz Campaign - thanks for giving me an outlet during the campaign. Even though I had more than enough to do at home, I needed a campaign outlet and not only did I find that, I found friends! What more can you ask for!
To all of my new friends from the convention - Fausta, Rick Moran, Duane Patterson (Generalissimo from the Hugh Hewitt Show) Skye, Chad, Liz, James, the Red State crew and many, many others - I cherish the memories of out adventures around St. Paul and Minneapolis and hopefully we will have future opportunities to do something similar again.
To my peeps over at BTR - Nikki Starr (who really ROCKS politics), Betty Jo Tucker at Movie Addict Headquarters, Kevin McCullough and Stevie B (Steven Baldwin), Media Lizzy (and the rest of the Heading Right crew) - I look forward to another year hanging out with you and having fun while we talk about life, liberty and rock and roll!
Each of you have touched, blessed and enriched our family in immeasurable ways and my 2009 wish for you is that you are all equally as touched, blessed and enriched. For you all deserve it!
Yes there was some sorrow in 2008. Leaving friends and family behind in the Upper Midwest was tough. My father in laws passing, while not wholly unexpected (he had been in very frail health for the last three years), was still hard on everyone. He was a rock for all of us and he will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
What astonishes me the most though about 2008 was the way it really felt like God wanted us here in Utah at this time. Even though selling the house didn't come in our time frame - it came in His and it allowed the Junior Logician to finish the school year with his friends back home. When we left we just knew it was going to be "impossible" to replace our old church home/family. Little did we know that what was waiting for us here! We left a house that was just about the house of our dreams and found another one that (when we are done with it) will be even better!
All in all 2008 was just the start of an amazing adventure for the Logical Household. Given that it was just the start, I can not even begin to imagine what 2009 will bring...and I can't wait for it to start!
Labels: New Years Eve
Thank YOU, LL! It was a real pleasure to have met you, and to stay with Tracy and Julie.
Wishing you a wonderful 2009,
Unknown, at 11:38 AM
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