Common Sense - DOA?
Yesterday, I put up a post on my Turning Point in the abortion debate. Today I want to start discussion on two bills that are making their way through the Utah Legislature. The first, HB90 S1, makes performing an “illegal” abortion in
Since when does the government have the right to make laws to what a person can do to their own body. Did Something happen to
The consequences of making abortion illegal affects more than just the mother or the fetus. It affects all of society. Society will have to take care of those unaborted babies. In a perfect world there would be no need for abortions. We don't live in one.
…wrote one commenter on the Salt Lake Tribune…
When are these abortion-obsessed politicians going to understand that countries that allow sex education and access to contraceptives have fewer abortions, fewer perverts and better mental health than the police states like the one they are trying to create in UT. Yes, abortion is a sad and upsetting moment in any woman's life, but nobody WANTS to have an abortion. Life's path is never certain, and a lack of options and direction cause many couples to end up in a situation where they have to face the terrible question of bringing a child into a world where they can't support it, or ending a life before it starts.
Education and privacy are the best solutions: not a scarlet letter and a back alley.
…wrote another. The problem is that what they are describing is simply not what either of the two bills are about. The legislature is not prohibiting ALL abortions – just those after the 20th week of development – a time where babies can now survive outside of the womb! Women are still able to get abortions through the 20th That is well through the second trimester giving the woman who wishes to get an abortion plenty of time to do so. week.
This is one of the problems of the “pro-choice” movement. As with all political people (and yes I do include myself in this), they pick and choose what facts to tell. The “pro-choice” movement loves to tell you that Roe v. Wade prohibits restrictions and that ANY common sense compromise on conditions (parental notifications to late term abortion bans) are expressly prohibited by Roe, but as I showed you yesterday, that is simply not the case! We have to get past the half truths and hyperbole of the debate so that we can get to a just and honest answers. One of those just and honest answers has to be the recognition that abortion, for what ever reason is the taking of a human life.
Labels: Abortion
Actually, LL, that is simply your chosen belief personal belief on the issue, which should play a much smaller role in how we create policy than arbiting our laws with the tenets of our Constitution.
Your opinion or personal beliefs do not match mine on when life begins. Nor do either of our opinions reflect a majority of the scientific communities understanding of conception and when a collection of cells becomes life. So why, without discussion, must I admit to what you believe before we can find a common ground here?
Jason The, at 1:48 PM
Jason - if you had posted this in answer to my previous post on the subject I would have no quarrel with your comment because it is my lifestyle choice. Nothing in this post deals with the question of when life begins - it simply deals with the facts of HB0090/S1
However there are certain unavoidable facts to deal with here.
1 - abortion IS LEGAL in Utah thru the 20th week. This bill does nothing to change that fact. That means the woman has 5 months (out of 9) in which she can obtain an abortion. Again - no change.
2 - the Roe decision allows states the ability to restrict 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions. Read the links in my previous post!
With those facts in mind, what are your comments on the post in question?
The Lady Logician, at 5:03 PM
The discussion that really needs to happen in this country is that there are MILLIONS of people who would take a more serious look at adoption if the adoption laws were not so heavy handed, the process simplified and shorter, and more cost-effective. It is a crying shame how difficult it is to adopt within this country today...bureraucy screwed it all up.
Adoption, my friends is a wonderful solution that would help the lady not have a 2nd/3rd trimester abortion.
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM
Anon - I could not agree MORE! The government has made it virtually impossible for qualified potential adoptive parents to adopt parents.
The Lady Logician, at 11:05 PM
Anon - sorry for the truncated answer last night - I was tired....
I agree 100% on making adoption more available. That is a no brainer. HOWEVER (and you knew this was coming) why is there a need for a birth-control abortion in the last 8-10 weeks period? If you have carried that fetus for 20 or more weeks already - what is another couple of weeks? You can still put the child in foster care......
The Lady Logician, at 11:28 AM
Or you could throw it in the garbage like they did in the abortion mill down in Florida...
Kermit, at 6:55 PM
nom nom nom
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM
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