Oh - never mind.....
WASHINGTON -- On the rockiest day of his young administration, President Obama did what surely made him happy for a while.
He left.
With little notice, the president and first lady Michelle Obama bolted the gated compound of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in their tank of a limousine on Tuesday. They ended up at a Washington public school, greeted by children who could not care less about the collapse of a Cabinet secretary nomination.
Now I could be a real witch and leave the snark stand as is. However, there is a much larger point that I hope now our friends on the left get. It is a point that many on the right made after 9/11 in the midst of the "My Pet Goat" feeding frenzy in the leftosphere. The President of the United States is the President of school children too and sometimes, in the midst of a crisis, the needs of the children must be met as well as the needs of the adults.
But then again, somehow I doubt anyone will get it....
Labels: Presidential Politics
You're comparing the withdrawal of a cabinet candidate to 9-11? Wow, that's about as desperate as I've seen yet from Obama critics.
There are degrees of emergencies. Planes flying into skyscrapers is about as high as it gets and, one would think, would demand excusing oneself from the classroom to assume leadership over the crisis.
It's not about never visiting schools; it's about responding appropriately to the circumstances at hand.
Your attempt at snark doesn't quite make the grade, and quite frankly demeans the tremendous human loss there.
Bekkieann, at 7:01 PM
Actually no - I was referring to the ECONOMY and it's continued collapse and the fact that leadership is needed in getting the stimulus passed.
Again, as I said, it's not about 9/11 or even the economy. It's about the need of Presidents to present a certain calm especially to kids when the whole world is going to h*ll in a handbasket.
OH and the 9/11 attacks had not even happened when President Bush went into the classroom. But that didn't stop you all from attacking the heck out of him now did it.
The Lady Logician, at 10:07 PM
Your reaching, LL, and it's unbecoming.
This post is silliness, and nothing more.
Jason The, at 1:35 AM
So, LL, once he started reading, and an aide informed him of the terrible disaster, the leader of the free world just couldn't figure out a way to gracefully excuse himself from the class in order to handle the crisis? The answer is, no he couldn't. He just sat there dumbfounded, unable to think of what to do.
Imagine, LL, if you were reading to a class when suddenly you learned that a member of your family had been (god forbid) in a horrible accident. Would you continue to sit there and read?
Bekkieann, at 9:19 AM
I note that unlike Bush, President Obama did not fly to Nebraska and hide in an underground bunker.
rmwarnick, at 10:33 AM
No, he didn't. but we would all be better off if he did. In the three weeks he has been in office, he has averaged one major gaffe a day. He needs to take a break. WE need him to take a break.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 1:50 PM
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