Ladies Logic

Monday, February 23, 2009

Personal Note to the West Valley PD

On Friday February 20, at approximately 9:45am (on my way in to work) I was driving east on 4100 South. I pulled up to the stop light at Bangerter Highway one car behind and to the right of one of your fine officers. Shortly after I stopped, another of your fine officers pulled up immediately to my right. As we were sitting there, waiting for the light to change, I happened to glance to my right and to my shock and surprise, I saw the officer driving the car to my right TYPING ON HIS INBOARD COMPUTER. He also had the computer positioned in such a way that the monitor was blocking his view out the passenger side of his windshield. Curious, I looked at the police car to the left of me and through the rear window I could see that officer looking down and to his right as if he were writing (or typing?) on something in the seat next to him. As the light changed, both officers put two hands on the wheel and pulled away, but officer number 1 never did move the computer monitor that was blocking his view through the windshield.

Now imagine if the roles were reversed and the police office was behind someone texting while at the light or who had their vision out the front window blocked by something. Do you suppose that tickets might be issued?

There is this little thing in the Constitution about "equal protection" under the law and yet some people who are in charge of writing and enforcing the laws seem to think that the laws they write (tax laws) or enforce (speeding, driving while distracted) don't apply to them.

That is all...



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