A Cautionary Tale
Kim Basinger feels "vulnerable" because her daughter's teenage friends have seen her naked.
The 55-year-old star is mortified some of 13-year-old Ireland's male classmates have seen her raunchy films, and refuses to get out of the car when she drops her daughter at school.
She said: "At my daughter's school these boys are now 13 or 14 years old and they know more about my business than they should.
This is the kind of thing our parents were warning of. A few minutes of "it feels good now" are causing pain for Ms. Basinger and her daughter, twenty years later. I hope for Ms. Basinger's sake (and that of her daughter) that this is a real "crisis of conscience". Both she and her daughter now need to come to grips with the mistakes of her past.
Labels: Popular Culture
How incredibly sad for her! But what a moment for morality! I hope along with you that this isn't just regret, but a sign of some soul-searching. I feel sad for her. I would hate for some of my mistakes to come back and haunt me so openly!
politically frustrated mamma, at 2:08 PM
One of those moments in life that I am glad that I will never have to experience. Not that I am proud of everything in my life.
The good thing is that Basinger actually recognizes it, because most in hollywood wouldn't even care. They would tell their kids that the other kids are just backwards.
Anonymous, at 12:29 AM
You know, the more you people sit around in your tiny little bubbles and "know" with omniscient skill the motives, feelings, and beliefs of not only Bassinger, but as the commenter above me seems to imply, "most of Hollywood" as well, the more ridiculous and whacked out you all sound.
High horse: off it. It's not becoming.
Anonymous, at 3:06 AM
Gina - perhaps you should practice what you preach (about high horses and all) and try to understand where others are coming from. I fully appreciate what both Ms. Basinger and Gazelem have to say. There is much we all have in our pasts that we are not proud of. A little understanding on your part might go a long way.....
The Lady Logician, at 10:48 AM
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