Dram in DC
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) looks like he may be facing a fresh political firestorm.
Dodd just admitted on CNN that he inserted a loophole in the stimulus legislation that allowed million-dollar bonuses to insurance giant AIG to go forward – after previously denying any involvement in writing the controversial provision. .
“We wrote the language in the bill, the deal with bonuses, golden parachutes, excessive executive compensation that was adopted unanimously by the United States Senate in the stimulus bill,” Dodd told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer this afternoon.
What could have caused Sen. Dodd to be so foolish? Could it be that he, like President Obama, had a financial incentive....
American International Group: Recipients
Top Recipients
Senate Obama, Barack $104,332 Senate Dodd, Chris $103,900 Senate McCain, John $59,499 Senate Clinton, Hillary $37,965 Senate Baucus, Max $24,750 Presidential Romney, Mitt $20,850 Senate Biden, Joseph R Jr $19,975
Note that AIG contributed to candidates from both parties - but numbers 1, 2 3 and 4 are telling aren't they?
Look, I may be a simple naive girl from the Midwest but even I knew that this was coming which is why I find the protestations of feigned outrage from Capital Hill to be so disturbing. Does Congress think we are all so stupid that we didn't know that this was coming? If so, maybe we aren't the stupid ones - because most of the folks on Main Street knew that this was coming.
Rest assured, this is only the beginning......aren't you glad we bailed all of these companies out?Fannie Mae, the federally run mortgage finance giant, plans to pay four top executives $1 million or more in retention bonuses.
The bonus plan prompted the company's federal regulator to defend compensation decisions the government made when it took over Fannie Mae in September. It comes as American International Group faces public outrage over $165 million in bonuses it awarded last week.
Fannie Mae, which suffered $59 billion in losses last year, has requested $15 billion in taxpayer assistance and has said it expects to need plenty more.
Labels: Bailout Mania
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