Who Is Raising Your Child?
For the last couple of sessions, Rep. Pete Hoekstra has been the primary sponsor of a bill that has encouraged many parents. That bill (last year) was H.J. Res 97 - the Parental Rights Amendment.
US REP Pete Hoekstra - Joint Res. 97 Parental Rights Protection Amendment
Now on first blush this bill should not seem to be necessary. However, when you take into account what is going on with the UNCRC and how in many states parents are forced to send their kids to public schools (instead of homeschooling as they were doing), or how parents are forced to have their grade school aged children take classes that the parent finds objectionable, maybe it is an idea whose time has indeed come. Now as a parent myself, I have made many choices about my son and his education. I choose to enroll him in public schools - but with that choice I also choose to be very active in his schooling. It was a trade off I was willing to make. But these choices that I made as a parent do not always work for other parents - and those parents should be allowed to make those choices. We simply can not allow a single judge (or panel of judges) to over-rule the rights of the parents, unless there is real physical abuse involved in the equation. However, real physical abuse does NOT include attempting to keep your child from using illegal drugs or taking them to church.
Rep. Hoekstra has quite a few co-sponsors (from last sesssion) ready to sign on for the bill again, including Utah's Rob Bishop and Minnesota's Michelle Bachman and John Kline and supporters are looking to add additional co-sponsors for the bill. This should not be Republican versus Democrat issue but some will make it that way. It is a common sense issue. Common sense says that when parents chose to have children, they (for the most part) take seriously their responsibilities....and those responsibilities should not be undercut by the schools or the judiciary.
US REP Pete Hoekstra - Joint Res. 97 Parental Rights Protection Amendment
Now on first blush this bill should not seem to be necessary. However, when you take into account what is going on with the UNCRC and how in many states parents are forced to send their kids to public schools (instead of homeschooling as they were doing), or how parents are forced to have their grade school aged children take classes that the parent finds objectionable, maybe it is an idea whose time has indeed come. Now as a parent myself, I have made many choices about my son and his education. I choose to enroll him in public schools - but with that choice I also choose to be very active in his schooling. It was a trade off I was willing to make. But these choices that I made as a parent do not always work for other parents - and those parents should be allowed to make those choices. We simply can not allow a single judge (or panel of judges) to over-rule the rights of the parents, unless there is real physical abuse involved in the equation. However, real physical abuse does NOT include attempting to keep your child from using illegal drugs or taking them to church.
Rep. Hoekstra has quite a few co-sponsors (from last sesssion) ready to sign on for the bill again, including Utah's Rob Bishop and Minnesota's Michelle Bachman and John Kline and supporters are looking to add additional co-sponsors for the bill. This should not be Republican versus Democrat issue but some will make it that way. It is a common sense issue. Common sense says that when parents chose to have children, they (for the most part) take seriously their responsibilities....and those responsibilities should not be undercut by the schools or the judiciary.
Labels: Parental Rights
You can hear what Congressman Pete Hoekstra and Phyllis Schlafly have to say about this live on Get Your Justice Live... Here is the link:
We were also joined by Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Form. Congressman Hoekstra stated very clearly that “I don’t want anybody coming between the parents and the kids, and creating a barrier.”
There are more reasons to implement this Amendment, such as for home schoolers, parental notification policies, and more. I have a few other recordings at http://spotlight.getyourjusticelive.com.
Lary Holland, at 11:41 PM
Larry - thanks for the links. I will bookmark them for future use.
The Lady Logician, at 11:38 AM
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