Who's Running The Show?
Last week the DNC turned to a tried and true method of "attacking" the GOP. They attacked Rush Limbaugh.

However, as this LA Times article points out, this could turn around and bite the DNC in the rear - HARD...
Mr. Limbaugh (who does not speak "for" me, but I know many who he does speak "for") does seem to have a point. Every time the President suffers a set back, he does not "attack" the people who voted against him, he goes after media representatives who have the audacity to dare to disagree with the policies the President...such as David Brooks and Rick Santelli.
The LA Times points out the big thing that the DNC "conveniently" forgot.....
Here's the deal...as Jennifer Rubin (from Pajamas Media) pointed out on Rick Moran's Blog Talk Radio Tuesday night - Rush Limbaugh is one voice OF MANY within the Republican Party. Those voices include Libertarians (like Rick and Ron Paul), fiscal conservatives (Mitt Romney and Jack Kemp), social conservatives (like Laura Ingraham and Michael Medved). Then there are those who are a little bit of "all of the above" like me. Those of us "all of the above" types tend to listen to as many voices as possible so that we can have as many facts before us before we make a decision. We many not agree with all of these voices all of the time, but they help inform us of the issues of the day. Rush Limbaugh is one of those voices!
As far as who is running the show - right now we have no single leader. That is because we are the party that is out of power. Our highest elected leaders are RNC Chair Michael Steele, Senate Minority Leader McConnell and House Minority Leader Boehner. It is up to them to hone a coherent message - one that will resonate with the voters in 2010 and 2012 They are our "leaders" now. However, if they are wise they will take the council of ALL of the voices that make up the big tent of the GOP. They do that and they can launch a come back...
The ball is in their court now......

However, as this LA Times article points out, this could turn around and bite the DNC in the rear - HARD...
In 1994, Rush Limbaugh was a field marshal in the Republican revolution, rallying troops fervid in their passion, armed with a change agenda and determined to shake Washington upside down.
Fifteen years later, Republicans are politically hobbled and Democrats are fervid in their passion, armed with a change agenda and determined, along with their new president, to shake Washington upside down.
And again there is Limbaugh, master of the talk radio universe, unchanged and unbowed. If anything, his prominence and political import have increased.
Obama is "obviously more frightened of me than he is Mitch McConnell. He's more frightened of me, than he is of, say, John Boehner, which doesn't say much about our party," Limbaugh said on the air, referring to the GOP leaders in the Senate and House, respectively.
Mr. Limbaugh (who does not speak "for" me, but I know many who he does speak "for") does seem to have a point. Every time the President suffers a set back, he does not "attack" the people who voted against him, he goes after media representatives who have the audacity to dare to disagree with the policies the President...such as David Brooks and Rick Santelli.
The LA Times points out the big thing that the DNC "conveniently" forgot.....
While the GOP's star has fallen, Limbaugh's has soared. As party leaders struggle to find their voice, Limbaugh's baritone booms loud and clear three hours a day, five days a week on 600 radio stations across America. If a $400-million contract and the title of most influential talk radio personality -- as voted by industry pros -- aren't sufficient proof, consider President Obama's decision to pick a fight with him three days into his presidency.
Here's the deal...as Jennifer Rubin (from Pajamas Media) pointed out on Rick Moran's Blog Talk Radio Tuesday night - Rush Limbaugh is one voice OF MANY within the Republican Party. Those voices include Libertarians (like Rick and Ron Paul), fiscal conservatives (Mitt Romney and Jack Kemp), social conservatives (like Laura Ingraham and Michael Medved). Then there are those who are a little bit of "all of the above" like me. Those of us "all of the above" types tend to listen to as many voices as possible so that we can have as many facts before us before we make a decision. We many not agree with all of these voices all of the time, but they help inform us of the issues of the day. Rush Limbaugh is one of those voices!
As far as who is running the show - right now we have no single leader. That is because we are the party that is out of power. Our highest elected leaders are RNC Chair Michael Steele, Senate Minority Leader McConnell and House Minority Leader Boehner. It is up to them to hone a coherent message - one that will resonate with the voters in 2010 and 2012 They are our "leaders" now. However, if they are wise they will take the council of ALL of the voices that make up the big tent of the GOP. They do that and they can launch a come back...
The ball is in their court now......
Labels: John Boehner, Michael Steele, Mitch McConnell
I think you're missing the point (and therefore the success) of the strategy.
The White House with future elections in mind, wants to remind America that the Republican Party has no ideas or real solutions, and no leadership above and beyond a bloviating entertainer.
Looking at the polls, it appears to be working.
Anonymous, at 4:00 PM
You have to appreciate the irony. Last year, candidate Barack Obama was hounded into denouncing Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers-- neither of whom claimed to be the leader of the Democratic Party.
Now, the few Republicans who dare to lightly criticize Rush Limbaugh usually are forced to take it back and apologize by the very next news cycle.
Limbaugh is far more odious than any obscure preacher or has-been 60s radical, but he's also apparently un-denouncable because he has a daily radio show and a loyal band of listeners.
rmwarnick, at 4:35 PM
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tsh, at 9:57 AM
No, Rush is not running the GOP, but conservatives are drawn to leaders that are willing to make a bold stand. There is enough pandering to special interests and politicking on both sides of the aisle to make any coherent American gag. Politics is languishing in a rut where representatives fear to to be singled out as conservatives because it seems that the leftist media will roast them over the coals.
Rush is in the unique place of not needing to appear moderate to survive. His voice of hope in the American ability to succeed and overcome is contagious. Obama did a good job of creating a campaign aura of hope, but now in office we see that it was only rhetoric. No wonder the president is after Rush; the EIB exposes the emptiness of "change."
tsh, at 10:02 AM
"His voice of hope in the American ability to succeed and overcome..."
He's a thrice-divorced, drug-addicted, sex-vacation-taking, bullying, authoritarian thug who has taken to those disagreeing with him as "butt boys," revels in violent gay images, and has a dream for our nation as some cruel dog-eat-dog dystopia.
If that is your version of hope, tshavlik, you can have it. But please spare us your veneer of being a compassionate, thinking, kind, or civilized person if that's what you hope for.
Anonymous, at 2:28 PM
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