Ladies Logic

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Just Another Brick In The Wall

Music is one of the major joys in my life. Life would not be worth living (to me anyway) without music. My tastes run the gamut from Classical to Jazz to Blues but I grew up on Rock. One of the most influential bands when I was growing up was (of course) Pink Floyd. Their sound was unique and uniquely British. I must have played my "Dark Side Of The Moon" LP (and yes I still have it) a hundred times in the first month I had it!

What brought Floyd to mind tonight was the Logical Husband came across VH1 playing their movie "The Wall" while channel surfing. I have not seen that movie in a good 20 plus years so we kept it on for a while. The imagery of both the album and the movie was straight out of Orwell's book "1984" - another voice decrying the dehumanizing nature of an overreaching governmental/corporate oligarchy where the rich get richer at the expense of the proletariat.

Fast forward a couple decades. The year is 2007, the place Giants Stadium in New York, the event - Live Earth. Now conserving the environment is a laudable goal, but the goal of Live Earth was to draw attention to the evils of Anthropogenic Global Warming. The stated goal of Live Earth was "to ensure that Live Earth inspires behavioral changes long after 7/7/07." One of the behavioral changes that Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate Protection is to enact Cap and Trade and carbon offsets. These offsets are sold by a company named Generation Investment Management owned (in part) and chaired by former VP AL GORE! So the former VP profits from the sale of carbon offsets that he is trying to mandate - OK. Now before you say "but the businesses are the ones being charged for this", do you really think that any business is going to eat that cost? No - they are going to pass those charges on to the consumer - just like the charges imposed by Cap and Trade are going to be passed on to the consumer!

Duke Energy says Carolinas electricity rates would rise by at least 13 percent under President Obama's plan to address climate change by auctioning off carbon credits.

Obama would set the nation's first limits on emissions of carbon dioxide, the gas linked to global warming. Under an approach outlined in his proposed budget last week, industries and utilities such as Duke would be able to trade allowances to release the gas.

But Duke CEO Jim Rogers, who supports the carbon cap, says Obama is wrong to insist that those allowances be initially auctioned to carbon emitters. Rogers calls an auction a “carbon tax” that would be passed on to consumers, with most of the burden placed on coal-dependent states such as the Carolina.

Getting back to "The Wall". One thing the Logical Husband commented on is that it always seems to be the ones that decry the fascist tendencies of overreaching government are the first ones to LINE UP to be dictated to when the dictators are of the same political values as themselves. It is one of the many hypocrisies of the left that they need to be more aware of if we are ever going to have honest discussions on our differences.

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