Smooth Moves
Shortly after taking office in January, President Obama did something that angered a few folks on both sides of the "pond". He gave back to Britain a bust of Winston Churchill that had been given to former President Bush shortly after the events of 9-11. Now since the bust was officially on "loan" to us from the British Museum, I don't have that much of an issue with what he did. I mean if he was not going to display it in the White House (and I can understand why he would not given his grandfathers fate in the Mau Mau Rebellion) then I think it was wise to return it to the museum so that they can...but that's just me.
However, the actions of the Obama Administration during Prime Minister Gordon Brown's recent visit are most troubling. First, the president discarded protocol and precident by cancelling the traditional joint press conference with the PM. Worse still was that the Obama Administration did not have the manners to tell the PM this until the night before the press conference had been scheduled to take place! Second - there was no formal White House "reception" for PM and Mrs. Brown. Given that the Obama's have had plenty of time to entertain friends (and friendly Congress folk) on waygu beef and a Stevie Wonder concerts, that is a little less easily forgiven. Lastly, were the traditional gifts from world leader to world leader. Prime Minister Brown brought...
President Obama's gift to the PM...
PM Brown is blind in one eye and American DVD's don't work in British DVD players (hmmm I didn't know that until this happened)) so the gift is not likely to get used.
The Obama's generosity didn't stop with the Prime Minister....
This sent tongues wagging in Britian. Many were not amused.
After the fact the Obama Administration realized their error - but the excuses that they gave have got to be just as painful as the actual snub itself (H/T: HA).....
President Obama knew what he was in for when he ran for President. He knew it was a 24/7/365 job. It should not be surprising that the President of the United States of America has to handle MULTIPLE crises at once. If President Obama is so "overwhelmed" by the job that is facing him today, then maybe he should just resign so that we can get someone who can handle the job in the office.
However, the actions of the Obama Administration during Prime Minister Gordon Brown's recent visit are most troubling. First, the president discarded protocol and precident by cancelling the traditional joint press conference with the PM. Worse still was that the Obama Administration did not have the manners to tell the PM this until the night before the press conference had been scheduled to take place! Second - there was no formal White House "reception" for PM and Mrs. Brown. Given that the Obama's have had plenty of time to entertain friends (and friendly Congress folk) on waygu beef and a Stevie Wonder concerts, that is a little less easily forgiven. Lastly, were the traditional gifts from world leader to world leader. Prime Minister Brown brought...
Brown, the first European leader to visit Obama since his Jan. 20 inauguration, will give him a first edition of Martin Gilbert’s seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill, whose World War Two partnership with Franklin Roosevelt epitomized the Anglo-American alliance.
The second gift will be a framed commissioning paper for HMS Resolute, a Royal Navy ship that became icebound in the Arctic in the early 1850s while searching in vain for British explorer John Franklin’s lost expedition that had been seeking a Northwest Passage to Asia.
An American whaler later found Resolute and it was freed from the ice and returned to Queen Victoria in 1856. In 1880, the British goverment, as a gesture of thanks, presented President Rutherford B. Hayes with a desk made from timbers of the ship, and ever since it has been used in the Oval Office by most presidents, including Obama...
At their White House talks on Tuesday, Brown also planned to give Obama a pen holder fashioned from the timber of HMS Gannet, a sister ship of the Resolute that also served for a time on anti-slavery missions off Africa.
President Obama's gift to the PM...
Barack Obama, the leader of the world's richest country, gave the Prime Minister a box set of 25 classic American films - a gift about as exciting as a pair of socks.
PM Brown is blind in one eye and American DVD's don't work in British DVD players (hmmm I didn't know that until this happened)) so the gift is not likely to get used.
The Obama's generosity didn't stop with the Prime Minister....
In addition, Mr Brown and his wife showered gifts on the Obama children giving Sasha and Malia an outfit each from Topshop and six children's books by British authors which are shortly to be published in America.
In return, the Obamas gave the Browns two models of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, to take home to sons Fraser and John.
This sent tongues wagging in Britian. Many were not amused.
We get the point, sunshine: we're just one of many allies and you want fancy new friends. Well, the next time you need something doing, something which impinges on your national security, then try calling the French, or the Japanese, or best of all the Germans. The French will be able to offer you first rate support from their catering corps but beyond that you'll be on your own.
After the fact the Obama Administration realized their error - but the excuses that they gave have got to be just as painful as the actual snub itself (H/T: HA).....
Sources close to the White House say Mr Obama and his staff have been "overwhelmed" by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.
President Obama knew what he was in for when he ran for President. He knew it was a 24/7/365 job. It should not be surprising that the President of the United States of America has to handle MULTIPLE crises at once. If President Obama is so "overwhelmed" by the job that is facing him today, then maybe he should just resign so that we can get someone who can handle the job in the office.
Labels: President Obama
What a relief to have a President who's able to handle multiple crises at the same time. The last administration lurched from one self-inflicted disaster to the next without managing to capably address any of them.
“Look, I wish I had the luxury of just dealing with a modest recession or just dealing with health care or just dealing with energy or just dealing with Iraq or just dealing with Afghanistan," Obama said. “I don't have that luxury, and I don't think the American people do, either."
rmwarnick, at 4:40 PM
Don't forget, Richard, that Clinton's administration was full of one self inflicted crisis after another. The last scandal simply happened "because he could."
Bush may not have pleased the media, but at least he had principle and knew how to treat our allies.
tsh, at 10:14 AM
"He knew it was a 24/7/365 job."
Unlike, say, that other guy, who over a year ago, was recognized as a less than full time President:
"President Bush recently spent his 879th day at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, since the Supreme Court, in all its great wisdom, elevated him to the presidency."
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM
The UK tortured Obama’s Grandpappy (that happened while Churchill was PM). With that in consideration I think his response to the UK was most restrained.
It’s not like he declared war on the UK like his predecessor did on a country who had tried to hurt his father. The UK actually DID hurt Obama’s Grandfather. Therefore there is more justification for Obama to go to war with Britain than there ever was for Bush to go to war with Iraq.
Anonymous, at 8:45 PM
"The UK tortured Obama’s Grandpappy (that happened while Churchill was PM). With that in consideration I think his response to the UK was most restrained."
I can see that as the reasoning behind giving back the bust of Churchill (I do believe I even said as much in my post). However, when you are the head of state you had best get over that crap if you ever want to keep your allies.....
The Lady Logician, at 6:08 PM
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