The Faith Of Our (Founding) Fathers (Part 3)
So an anonymous snarker left this gem behind to my last post....
And while Anonymous has a point, (s)he is not-surprisingly lacking in his/her knowledge of history. For example...
Jefferson and Washington freed their slaves and helped lay the groundwork for freeing the slaves.
Now this part of the comment I am trying to figure out. Considering there is this little thing called the BILL OF RIGHTS that guarantees ALL of those rights, I am trying to figure out if Anonymous is just unaware that such a document exists or if Anonymous is rejecting the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Which is it dear?
Now on to this statement.....
When it comes to the religious angle, I go back to the Bible. The Old Testament has a long list of admonitions to the Jews regarding freeing slaves. Being as they were once held as slaves themselves, the Jews were all to aware of the plight of slaves. Regarding women St. Paul, in his letter to the Galation Church took it a step further....
So now Anonymous - what was that you were saying rejecting the lessons of old, dead guys?
The founding fathers also denied the right to vote to women, allowed people to own slaves, counted such slaves as three-fifths of a person, allowed a president to serve as many terms as he is elected for, and it contained no mention of the right to bear arms, worship freely, enjoy a free press, be tried in a public and speedy manner, be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, or to not be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.
We can learn a lot from old dead guys, but there's a lot we as a nation have chosen to reject.
And while Anonymous has a point, (s)he is not-surprisingly lacking in his/her knowledge of history. For example...
allowed people to own slaves,
Jefferson and Washington freed their slaves and helped lay the groundwork for freeing the slaves.
counted such slaves as three-fifths of a personThis (and allowing people to own slaves) we political concessions that were made to Southern States but these were not views shared by the majority of the Founders. As a matter of FACT Thomas Jefferson even proposed the first bill in the legislature to ABOLISH slavery! George Mason (the "Father of the Bill of Rights" was also in favor of abolition and Benjamin Franklin was an advocate for abolition as well. If you dig past the "feelings" and the "assumptions" Anonymous and actually dig into the FACTS you just might learn a thing or three!
and it contained no mention of the right to bear arms, worship freely, enjoy a free press, be tried in a public and speedy manner, be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, or to not be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.
Now this part of the comment I am trying to figure out. Considering there is this little thing called the BILL OF RIGHTS that guarantees ALL of those rights, I am trying to figure out if Anonymous is just unaware that such a document exists or if Anonymous is rejecting the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Which is it dear?
Now on to this statement.....
The founding fathers also denied the right to vote to womenWhen you compare the Founding Fathers (and their faith) to other religious practitioners and socio-economic "innovators" and other faiths, you will find that they were quite "progressive" in that arena as well. The one religion that modern day "progressives" coddle, Islam, considers women to be PROPERTY. They not only do not have voting rights - in most Islamic states they have NO RIGHTS AT ALL! When it comes to human rights as a whole, Communist/Socialist countries have huge problems. Under the guise of advancing Karl Marx's agenda, Vladmir Lenin jailed, enslaved and murdered millions of men, women and children because someone in their family dared to disagree with "the chosen one" Lenin (and his successor Joseph Stalin).
When it comes to the religious angle, I go back to the Bible. The Old Testament has a long list of admonitions to the Jews regarding freeing slaves. Being as they were once held as slaves themselves, the Jews were all to aware of the plight of slaves. Regarding women St. Paul, in his letter to the Galation Church took it a step further....
So you are all children [fn] of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have been made like him. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, [fn] slave or free, male or female. For you are all Christians--you are one in Christ Jesus
So now Anonymous - what was that you were saying rejecting the lessons of old, dead guys?
Labels: Christian Nation, Christianity, Founding Fathers
It was the CONSTITUTION that sanctioned slave ownership, not the individuals. Read what I wrote. I was talking about the document that Justice Scalia thinks is dead, but only when he wants it to be.
And the fact that the Bill of Rights is a series of AMENDMENTS makes my point. The founding fathers admitted that they got a few things wrong, and they set about fixing it a couple of years later. If you're going to praise their wisdom and advance the position that their thinking - as reflected in the original document - should never change, you ought to reject those amendments along with all others. You seem to think that the old dead guys get to amend it, change it, make it better, but WE can't?
And I think we're all growing weary of seeing conservatives scream about Islam and Communism when they are shown the illogic of their confused thinking.
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM
The Bill of Rights was written by the SAME folks that wrote the Constitution and it was written AT THE SAME TIME. It was written as a stand alone document. Go read a real history book and not the revisionist crap that you have been reading lately.
Oh and regarding your comment about Term limits for the President. I find it curious that certain members of TODAYS CONGRESS are trying to repeal that amendment that you so admire.
You tire of Conservatives talking about Islam and Socialism...well I guess that means that you are doomed to repeat bad history since you refuse to learn from it!
And folks like you called President Bush intellectually incurious??????
The Lady Logician, at 8:38 PM
Oh and we conservatives are SICK of hearing you progressives blame President Bush for everything from athletes foot to the pending implosion of the Sun....
Now that we are done trading "sick ofs" how about we talk about ways we can work together to make this a better place for our children.
Or would you rather just be a snarky b.....
The Lady Logician, at 8:44 PM
Where was President Bush mentioned?
Want to make it a better place for the kids? Don't saddle them with untold levels of debt for a war that was premised on a series of lies and designed to benefit war profiteers.
Oh, but that would be blaming President Bush and that's verboten!
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
Oh, and the Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. The Bill of Rights was introduced two years later on December 15, 1789 and came into effect on December 15. 1791. Four years later is NOT the same time, even by your math.
Anonymous, at 10:06 PM
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