Ladies Logic

Monday, April 06, 2009

Single Digit Years Away!

That is how close Oprah's favorite MD, Dr. Mehmet Oz, said we are away from having a cure for Parkinson's Disease (among many others). I can't embed the video, but you have to follow the link to watch it as it is fascinating stuff. You could tell by the body language, that fellow guest (and Parkinson's sufferer and hEsc advocate) Michael J. Fox was fascinated with what Dr. Oz had to say (Oprah on the other hand I think was a little uncomfortable with a human brain sitting on the table in front of her). One of the things that Dr. Oz said that got everyone's attention was "I think, Oprah, that the stem cell debate is over". He then went on to explain (as I have mentioned here before) that embryonic stem cells are prone to turning into cancers and are thus unreliable for this kind of a cure and that the BEST option is adult stem cell research! He also said that this "fighting" over embryonic versus adult stem cell research has actually slowed down research!

To those of us that have been following (and advocating for) ethical stem cell cures, this is not "news". However, the fact that it has hit Oprah is a huge thing. It will hopefully bring more light to the issue.

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