Ladies Logic

Saturday, May 23, 2009


What ever happened to the so-called "separation" of church and state?

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - A bill that would have made New Hampshire the sixth state in the United States to authorize gay marriage stalled unexpectedly Wednesday over concessions to religious groups opposed to such unions.

The state's House of Representatives objected to language in the bill that would have allowed religious groups to decline to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies or to offer gay couples other services.

OK - this is exactly the kind of thing that the 1st Amendment expressly prohibits. A refresher....

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Emphasis mine. Michael Kinsley (that's liberal Michael Kinsley from Crossfire) reminds us that...

...But Miss California's views on gay marriage have nothing to do with her qualifications for the job and shouldn't disqualify her for it.
This is really Liberalism 101, and it's amazing that so many liberals don't get it. Yes, yes, the Bill of Rights protects individuals against oppression by the government, not by other private individuals or organizations. But the values and logic behind our constitutional rights don't disappear when the oppressor is in the private sector. They may not have the force of law in that situation, but they ought to have the force of understanding and of habit. The logic behind freedom of speech is that "bad" speech does not need to be suppressed as long as "good" speech is free to counter it. Or at least that letting the good and bad do battle is more likely to allow the good speech to triumph than giving anyone the power to choose between them.

It really is Liberalism 101, which is one reason why today's Democrats are not your father's classic liberal - they ARE socialists. A classic JFK or Hubert Humphrey liberal would never engage in the kind of thuggish behavior that today's Democrats engage in. They understood that to win the battle of ideas you had to have good ideas and beat the other sides ideas in the court of public opinion - as opposed to just shouting them down. Something that both sides need to remember..... Meanwhile we have a big probelm - we have an out of control government that has no qualms about interfering in religion if it suits them - but religous people are supposed to just sit back and take it....What ever happened to the so-called "separation" of church and state? It's only there if it suits the state apparently.....



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