Defining A Lobbyist
The Connecticut Office of State Ethics (OSE) is poised to investigate and penalize the Diocese of Bridgeport for having the temerity to exercise at least four of the five sections of the First Amendment (religion, speech, assembly, petition).
The story begins earlier this year when Connecticut State Senator Andrew McDonald proposed legislation (S. 1098) that would have forced the Catholic Church, contrary to the church’s doctrine, to relinquish control of parish finances (for those from congregationalist traditions who may not be aware of the organization of Catholic Churches, the Catholic Church, by doctrine, is very hierarchical, with Bishops responsible for all the parishes within the bishopric, and those Bishops reporting on up the line, ultimately to the Vatican. Unlike most protestant demoninations, local parishes exercise little governing control. This is not merely an issue of secular control but one of theological doctrine deeply entwined in the Catholic Church’s views on the role of clergy, the papacy and the church in fulfilling God’s mission). Naturally the church opposed this incursion into its governance and doctrine, with the Bishop urging Catholics to contact their legislators and the Church supporting a mass rally in the state capital.
So the state struck back...
Get that - the STATE introduced a bill that would have forced THE CHURCH to change how it runs it's business. Just another case of how the so-called "separation" of church and state is only there when it is convenient to the state. Now you know why the Danbury Baptist Association was worried...
...From the American Spectator story by Lisa Fabrizio:It seems that our Diocese of Bridgeport — which in March was forced to marshal the faithful to defend itself from unconstitutional government interference — was notified by the Connecticut Office of State Ethics that it is under investigation for possible violations of the state’s lobbying laws.
Emphasis mine. Remember - the First Amendment reads...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Congress in this cite also includes the state legislators who must make law that will pass Constitutional muster....
To the Bishop's credit he is not taking this lying down.
Following the surprise introduction of Bill 1098, a proposal that singled out Catholic parishes and would have forced them to reorganize contrary to Church law and the First Amendment, our Diocese responded in the most natural, spontaneous, and frankly, American, of ways: we alerted our membership - in person and through our website; we encouraged them to exercise their free speech by contacting their elected representatives; and, we organized a rally at the State Capitol…
On April 23, 2009, the Diocese received a letter from Thomas K. Jones, Ethics Enforcement Officer for the OSE, stating that it was “the subject of an Office of State Ethics evaluation,” which was “being conducted to ascertain whether the Diocese had violated [Connecticut General Statutes Sections] 1-94, 1-95 and 1-96 by failing to register as a lobbyist in Connecticut, by failing to submit all other appropriate lobbyist filings, and by failing to follow all applicable registration procedures.”
The OSE claims the Diocese acted as a “lobbyist” by: participating in a March 11, 2009, State Capitol rally against Raised Bill 1098 (the unconstitutional attempt to reorganize Catholic parishes contrary to Catholic teaching and tradition); making statements on its website urging its members to contact their elected representatives to oppose Raised Bill 1098; and making statements on its website urging its members to contact their legislators to oppose another bill, Raised Bill 899 (regarding same-sex marriage).
How this investigation plays out will be telling not only for the Church but also for ANY grass roots activist group out there. Are you a dog club that wants to lobby against Breed Specific Legislation - you could be charged as being lobbyists! Are you a Scout troop looking to advocate for more state parks - careful kids you could be lobbyists as well!
This is just one more example of big government that has totally gotten out of control. It is far past time for the voters to issue a stern reminder to their elected legislators that they work for US and not the other way around.
Oh and for the Church - it is time to wake up and realize that what government does effects us as well!
Labels: Out of Control Government
Well well. Lady, I guess you, me, Mitch, Tracy, Derek, etc are now lobbyists. Fancy that.
I wonder what the fee imposed on us for exercizing free speech is going to be?
Kermit, at 8:57 AM
These are the legislators who right wing radio host Hal Turner has been arrested for threatening with death, right?
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM
I have a devious thought in mind about this. Yes, I think that this bill should be defeated but let's suppose that it's signed into law.
Here in Minnesota, there are tons of little organizations organized as charities that get substantial funding from state government. Few of the activists are registered lobbyists even though they visit with lawmakers on a weekly basis.
The subsequent lawsuit would give the people the right to inquire why the activists for these little charities don't have to register as lobbyists but churches do.
If it's enacted, the bill will get overturned. Let's make the most of this opportunity to put the Democrats on the defensive for their double standards.
Gary Gross, at 1:20 PM
Hal Turner? Who is that? Obviously someone who is VERY influential in the conservative movement eh?
The Lady Logician, at 11:29 PM
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