Ladies Logic

Saturday, July 22, 2006

How low can they go?

The Democratic Party is self destructing. I know, I know....Democratic pundits say the same thing about the Republican Party, but there is a difference. Republicans yell and scream at their politicians that they disagree with, but they do not go to the lengths that the Democratic "netroots" is going to in order to purge the party of "nominal" Democrats. The Daily Kos has made a mission on getting rid of Senator (and former Democratic VP Candidate under Al Gore) Joe Lieberman for the "crime" of supporting President Bush in the War on Terror! When they are not running against their own, they are wailing over the perceived failings of the Bush Administration, totally ignoring their own.

It has finally gotten so bad that the DLC has met to try to figure out how to combat this. Some members of the DLC understand the DNC's plight.

"We may consider ourselves the party of the middle class, but too many middle-class Americans no longer consider us their party," the Indiana Democrat said Monday. "They have left the Democratic Party in droves — costing us the last two presidential elections and the last six congressional elections. If we don't learn some lessons, we'll lose in 2006 and 2008 as well, and we must not let that happen."

Meanwhile the voters that the DNC has abandoned is crying out for one thing and one thing only...IDEAS. If the current administration is doing such a bad job, what would you do different? That is not a totally unwarranted question. Voters want to know what the opposition party would do differently. Remember the Contract with America in 1994? It was a list of ideas that the Republicans had and it swept them into controll of the House that year. If the Democrats were smart, they would develop their own Contract with America. So far, however, we have not seen anything like that out of the Democrats. Some smart Democrats have said as much. They answer from the "netroots" was "Ideas? FEH!"

Don't get me wrong. The netroots can be an important part of shaping the national dialog in the 21st century! However, the netroots is not the whole party and until they grow up and realize that, the Democratic Party is doomed to continue it's rapid slide into political oblivion. Can they stop the slide? Only time will tell.


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