It's a what????
I really don't mean to appear like I am "bashing" Islam as a whole, but there are certain aspects of it that really do deserve to be bashed. It just seems like a large number of those aspects are rearing their respective heads this week. Today's aspect comes from Turkey.
"Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan, in an interview on Monday with The Washington Post, scolded those who link Islam to the terrorism of al-Qaeda and other extremist groups that perpetrate violence in the name of Islam.
“The coinage of such terms as ‘Islamic terrorism' or ‘Islamo-fascism,' these have injured the Muslim people in the world, and it is best to avoid such characterizations,” Erdoðan said."
With all due respect Mr. Prime Minister, what would you call them then? The West is told, day in and day out, that the terrorists don't speak for all practicioners of Islam, but I have yet to hear people like you calling for the jihad against the west to stop! Why is that?
Another question, again with all due respect...if Islamophobia is a "crime against humanity" what would you call flying a jumbo jet into a highrise office building? An act of love?????
"Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan, in an interview on Monday with The Washington Post, scolded those who link Islam to the terrorism of al-Qaeda and other extremist groups that perpetrate violence in the name of Islam.
“The coinage of such terms as ‘Islamic terrorism' or ‘Islamo-fascism,' these have injured the Muslim people in the world, and it is best to avoid such characterizations,” Erdoðan said."
With all due respect Mr. Prime Minister, what would you call them then? The West is told, day in and day out, that the terrorists don't speak for all practicioners of Islam, but I have yet to hear people like you calling for the jihad against the west to stop! Why is that?
Another question, again with all due respect...if Islamophobia is a "crime against humanity" what would you call flying a jumbo jet into a highrise office building? An act of love?????
OK Doug - then what WOULD you call the terrorists?
Also, when the Mohammed cartoons came out, just what would you have called the protestors? The ones that rioted in the streets burning and killing?
Lastly, what do you think of art like "Pi$$ Christ"? For if you are to be intellectually honest, if you are against artists insulting Islam, you should also be against artists insulting OTHER religions. Nes pas?
The Lady Logician, at 8:53 PM
If the so called peaceful muslims don't start speaking against these terrorists then generalizing all muslims as terrorists is fair game.
I've read the parts of the koran that the extremists are using. Those verses are mixed in well with the rest of the book. I believe the religion itself is a terrorist religion (Doug). I don't think the Crusades ever ended. The muslims just had to regroup. They're a patient people. They could wait 100's of years to convert everyone.
They're infiltrating our government now so it'll only be a matter of time for us to see riots like those in france.
Anonymous, at 7:00 AM
Doug - have you read the Koran? If yu have not, then you really do not know what you are talking about. I HAVE read the Koran and there are MANY statements in the Koran that back up what the anonymous commenter said. The problem (as I see it) with the Koran is that there is no context. The Koran is literally a collection of Mohammed's sayings and is very unlike the Bible or the Torah.
The Lady Logician, at 5:32 PM
Have you read the Bible? There's some pretty nasty stuff especially in the Old Testament. There's some good and bad in all of the major religions.
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
Nice non-sequitor Doug. If you really must know I have read the Bible, the Koran and several other "holy books". Go back and re-read what I said. There is a little thing called CONTEXT that is in the Bible and MISSING in the Koran.
BTW - you never did answer my question. Have you read the Koran? If not, you really have no argument to stand on as you don't know what you are talking about.
The Lady Logician, at 2:37 PM
I've read Koran excerpts but not the book as a whole. I've read most of the Bible and it really does have nasty stuff, especially the Old Testament. Of course stuff from these holy books is always subject to varying translations and interpretations. But try reading Leviticus sometime. It states people should die for trivial infractions.
Anonymous, at 10:44 AM
Well maybe you should read that WHOLE thing Doug (both the Bible and the Koran). Once you are done with the Koran you can move to the Haditha and then come back and tell us how "peaceful" Islam is.
And you STILL have not answered the question - if we should not call them Islamic terrorists WHAT SHOULD WE CALL THEM?
The Lady Logician, at 11:51 AM
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