Dear Governor Pawlenty
I am one of the many Minnesotans who worked their behinds off during September and October trying to get you and the rest of the Republican slate in my county re-elected. I went to bat for you with all the dis-affected Republicans regarding the stadiums and the tobacco "fee" and your habit of capitulating to the DFL controlled Senate. I cringed when you proposed "free" college tuition, but I soldiered on.
After yesterday, I have 5 words for you. I WANT MY VOTE BACK!!!! I would have never in my life voted (knowingly) for a proponent of universal health care. Universal heath care is anything BUT universal or health care! Universal healthcare leads to healthcare rationing as is happening in Canada and Great Britian. You have the Mayo Clinic in your backyard. Talk to them about all of the foreign nationals that come to them (and other US clinics) for care that they can not get in their home country! Do you really want to condemn Minnesota's children to the same thing?
Please, Governor Pawlenty, for the sake of the Republican Party and the grass roots volunteers who put their integrity on the line for you - change your party affiliation. Heck you have governed like a Democrat - make it official. Those of us who DO believe in the Republican Party platform would appreciate not having you trample it any longer.
Oh, one last favor please....take a moment and remove your knife from the middle of my back. Thank you sir.
The Lady Logician
After yesterday, I have 5 words for you. I WANT MY VOTE BACK!!!! I would have never in my life voted (knowingly) for a proponent of universal health care. Universal heath care is anything BUT universal or health care! Universal healthcare leads to healthcare rationing as is happening in Canada and Great Britian. You have the Mayo Clinic in your backyard. Talk to them about all of the foreign nationals that come to them (and other US clinics) for care that they can not get in their home country! Do you really want to condemn Minnesota's children to the same thing?
Please, Governor Pawlenty, for the sake of the Republican Party and the grass roots volunteers who put their integrity on the line for you - change your party affiliation. Heck you have governed like a Democrat - make it official. Those of us who DO believe in the Republican Party platform would appreciate not having you trample it any longer.
Oh, one last favor please....take a moment and remove your knife from the middle of my back. Thank you sir.
The Lady Logician
You're hopeless. Do you actually think poor and lower middle class children have access to the Mayo Clinic?
Anonymous, at 1:49 PM
I agree -- this blogger is a typical conservative republican. Uninformed, predjudiced against so many people it is difficult to keep up with it, and wedded to an ideology and orthodoxy that is discredited, ineffective, and corrupt.
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM
What both of you neglect to see is that poor and lower middle class children are routinely DENIED health care services in Great Britian and Canada as a result of their socialized system.
Which is more caring - refusing to treat a Down Syndrome child because there is "no curing" their condition or a child getting hospitalization regardless of their ability to pay and regardless of whether they have insurance or not. There are LAWS in this country that say that hospitals can not deny anyone service.
Wanna try again?
The Lady Logician, at 2:21 PM
Emergency rooms have to take people in most states in this country regardless of ability to pay. But the poor and lower middle class are denied all kinds of access to other health care in this country including access to preventive medical care. I agree with the anonymous poster who said you are uninformed (at best). So why don't you "try again?"
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
I really don't think skipper60601 or anonymous know what they are talking about.
skipper60601: Please provide evidence that poor and lower middle class children are being denied access to Mayo Clinic. I really don't think you have the inside track there, but prove me wrong. What does MNCare provide? Only access to old, back alley clinics run by quacks? See:
anonymous: Please back up your slander against the Lady and conservative republicans. The Lady _should_ be easy for you, since the site is right here, but the conservative republicans might be harder for you. You see, your idea of what conservative republicanism is does NOT count as evidence (at least, not against conservative republicans). Please provide some evidence that you know what the 'ideology' and 'othodoxy' of conservative republicanism actually is. Then proceed to deride it, providing more evidence, of course.
Finally, if you dare, provide some of that precious information that keeps you from being 'uninformed' on this topic.
Anonymous, at 4:09 PM
Do your own homework. Anyone with an ounce of gray matter who has been following the issue knows that the lower middle class have a serious problem with access to health care. In some ways the poor are actually better off than the lower middle class because the poor often have some access to health care through public aid which the lower middle class do not qualify for. There is a legitimate argument that single-payer universal health care is not a good answer to the problem but denying that the problem exists is silly.
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
Skipper - I DO my homework, and post direct links to them so that you can see, in context, those things that I comment on. You on the other hand, simply thow out allegations and accusations and expect us to accept them as Gospel.
By the way....I spent half the day yesterday in a Chicago area hopital. Not my ideal way to spend the day after Thanksgiving, but it had to be done. There on the wall, IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES, were placques that announced that it was the law that all patients must be treated REGARDLESS OF THEIR ABILITY TO PAY FOR THE TREATMENT!!!!!
Maybe you should do YOUR homework.
The Lady Logician, at 9:03 AM
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