Speaking of Global Warming...
I've been sitting on this, waiting for the right time to bring it out. I think that time is today.
"Asserting “the science is settled” ignores the debate that still rages. Proclaiming that “climate change is real” ignores Earth’s constant, natural warming and cooling.
Vikings raised crops and cattle in Greenland 1000 years ago, while Britons grew grapes in England. Four hundred years later, the Vikings were frozen out, Europe was gripped in a Little Ice Age, and priests performed exorcisms on advancing Swiss glaciers. The globe warmed in 1850-1940, cooled for the next 35 years, then warmed slightly again.
Detroit experienced six snowstorms in April 1868, frosts in August 1869, a 98-degree heat wave in June 1874, and ice-free lakes in January 1877. Wisconsin’s record high of 114 degrees F in July 1936 was followed five years later by a record July low of 46. In 1980, five years after Newsweek’s “new little ice age” cover story, Washington, DC endured 67 days above 90 degrees.”
Now, I am not going to tell you that there isn't global "warming", I'm just not conviced that greenhouse gases are the cause of the warming. However...if greenhouse gases DO have something to do with global warming (as celebs such as Julia Roberts, George Clooney and others tell us) then don't you think we should ALL share in the sacrifice. Sure it is fine to drive a Prius, but when you are jetting all over the globe (like Al Gore has been while promoting his book/movie on global warming) in a private jet, well don't you think that is just a tiny bit wasteful? I'm just saying....
Really what I am saying is, I'll be happy to do my part (as I already do) to save gas and reduce my usage of electricity and natural gas but don't lecture me on what I am driving day to day to get to work when you are flying to Kenya for the weekend. It just does not pass the "smell test".
"Asserting “the science is settled” ignores the debate that still rages. Proclaiming that “climate change is real” ignores Earth’s constant, natural warming and cooling.
Vikings raised crops and cattle in Greenland 1000 years ago, while Britons grew grapes in England. Four hundred years later, the Vikings were frozen out, Europe was gripped in a Little Ice Age, and priests performed exorcisms on advancing Swiss glaciers. The globe warmed in 1850-1940, cooled for the next 35 years, then warmed slightly again.
Detroit experienced six snowstorms in April 1868, frosts in August 1869, a 98-degree heat wave in June 1874, and ice-free lakes in January 1877. Wisconsin’s record high of 114 degrees F in July 1936 was followed five years later by a record July low of 46. In 1980, five years after Newsweek’s “new little ice age” cover story, Washington, DC endured 67 days above 90 degrees.”
Now, I am not going to tell you that there isn't global "warming", I'm just not conviced that greenhouse gases are the cause of the warming. However...if greenhouse gases DO have something to do with global warming (as celebs such as Julia Roberts, George Clooney and others tell us) then don't you think we should ALL share in the sacrifice. Sure it is fine to drive a Prius, but when you are jetting all over the globe (like Al Gore has been while promoting his book/movie on global warming) in a private jet, well don't you think that is just a tiny bit wasteful? I'm just saying....
Really what I am saying is, I'll be happy to do my part (as I already do) to save gas and reduce my usage of electricity and natural gas but don't lecture me on what I am driving day to day to get to work when you are flying to Kenya for the weekend. It just does not pass the "smell test".
The debate only "rages" because corporate America is putting up a smokescrees through politicians and quasi-scientists whom it funds. Global warming is accepted scientific fact.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM
No it's not Skipper. I have given multiple links to ACTUAL SCIENTISTS who do not believe that Human-induced global warming is a "fact".
That is not to say that we have not had cyclical global warming. After all, there are records that show summers in the 1800's that were hotter than anything we have experienced in the last 20 years. Oh and if there was no such thing as cyclical global warming, Minnesota was still be UNDER 6 FEET OF ICE!
The Lady Logician, at 10:31 PM
You're just spouting junk science which is often bought and paid for by the energy industry. The vast majority of expert scientists believe that global warming is a problem and it is man made to a significant extent.
It's time to accept the truth and to accept science.
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
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