Cathartic, but not smart
Dennis Prager wrote the definative dissertation on the upcoming mid-term elections.
"One repeatedly hears that some conservatives and Republicans will either vote Democrat or not vote at all -- out of anger at the Republican Party.
According to these Republican holdouts, the Republicans have governed as Democrats-lite by greatly increasing government spending and doing little about illegal immigration. Accordingly, it is better to have liberal government under liberals than liberal government under Republicans, and the Republicans need to be taught a lesson so that in the future they will govern as authentic Republicans.
Conservatives should file this thinking under the heading "Cathartic," but not under "Smart."
Many of us have given our reasons why staying home or otherwise not voting for Republicans is a bad idea. Dennis' column cuts to the heart of all of the reasons why letting the Democrats take control of the House and the Senate is detrimental to the survival of the Republic! Please, please take the time to read this and pass it on to any recalcitrant Republicans you might know before November 7.
"One repeatedly hears that some conservatives and Republicans will either vote Democrat or not vote at all -- out of anger at the Republican Party.
According to these Republican holdouts, the Republicans have governed as Democrats-lite by greatly increasing government spending and doing little about illegal immigration. Accordingly, it is better to have liberal government under liberals than liberal government under Republicans, and the Republicans need to be taught a lesson so that in the future they will govern as authentic Republicans.
Conservatives should file this thinking under the heading "Cathartic," but not under "Smart."
Many of us have given our reasons why staying home or otherwise not voting for Republicans is a bad idea. Dennis' column cuts to the heart of all of the reasons why letting the Democrats take control of the House and the Senate is detrimental to the survival of the Republic! Please, please take the time to read this and pass it on to any recalcitrant Republicans you might know before November 7.
I can understand why principled conservatives would flee the Republican Party. Bush promised less government but gave us bigger and more intrusive government. His foreign adventure in Iraq is failing and has cost thousands of American lives and hundreds of billions of American dollars. He has violated the Constitution by wiretapping Americans without warrants and has violated international law by torturing suspected terrorists. In the meantime, he has run up record budget deficits. He has also gotten the federal government more involved in education, which has only created more problems for local schools.
Principled governments want leaner, more effective government. Bush has given us more bloated, less effective government.
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM
And the Democrats will supply that how Skipper?
The Lady Logician, at 12:09 PM
I think the Democrats will have their flaws as well. Hopefully, a Democratic Congress would put the breaks on Bush somewhat. I would like to see health care crisis addressed. I think taxes upon the wealthiest 2% should be raised to address the budget deficit. We also need to get out of Iraq. Congress also needs ethics reform. Congress also needs to investigate the Administration in many regards including: 1) the deception surrounding Iraq; 2) the incompetent handling of the Iraq War; 3) the torture and rendition of suspected terrorists; and 4) wiretapping of Americans without a warrant.
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
What health care crisis Skipper? No one in this country is refused health care based on their ability to pay. If you are sick, you can go to a hospital and get treated!
The Lady Logician, at 1:29 PM
A lot of people have little or no access to health care except if there is an emergency. That means they don't receive care that may prevent a serious illness or even death. And the emergency care that the hospital gives may well drive an uninsured person into bankruptcy.
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
The thing is Skipper, the uninsured don't HAVE TO PAY for the medical care that they get in hospitals. That is one (among many) reasons why the cost of hospital care IS so high. My mother worked at a hospital and was privy to how much money hospitals lose on uninsured patients that refuse to pay their bills. By law, they can not even go after the money!
We have, in this country, the best health care system that money can buy - and that is the key phrase. If we start mandating coverage and care, in the name of universal coverage, we are actually going to end up with less cutting edge treatments (say goodby to ANY stem cell research funding) and we are going to see waiting lists and rationing like they have in Canada and the UK. And just wait until the time comes when the system will "decline" to treat someone who has a chronic disease (as happened in Great Britian earlier this year).
Yes, the system is messed up, but a lot of it is our own doing. If Americans were to take more of a hand in their care and take more preventative measures we would all be a lot better off.
The Lady Logician, at 11:28 AM
What you're saying simply isn't true. Hospitals may have to treat uninsured patients but they can go after them for the money, although sometimes it isn't worth it. If a patient is covered by Public Aid and the hospital accepts Public Aid payments, it can't go after the patient for more, but that is a different matter.
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM
Skipper - what I am saying is THE LAW of the land. In Minnesota, California, Illinois, Wisconsin and dozens of other states a hospital can NOT under penalty of law, refuse to provide service to a patient even if they can not pay for the service! That is one reason why our rates are so high. Those charges get passed on to those who can. That is also a big reason why hospitals like Cook County Hospital have closed! They can not continue to provide their services for free!
The Lady Logician, at 7:01 AM
Skipper - taxing the "wealthiest 2%" will kill the job growth making unemployment grow AND will actually make the amount of money the government collects from the "weathiest 2%" shrink! Do you realize that since the tax cuts went into effect, IRS tax collections (on the state and local levels) have acutally GONE UP?????
If we get out of Iraq do you really think that the terrorists will just go away? There is an interview out where a reporter interviewed several Hamas/Hizbollah/al Qaeda "fighters" and they said that if we leave Iraq they will simply take over the country and then come after us elsewhere!
Ethics reform is needed FOR BOTH PARTIES! Look at Harry Reid and William Jeffereson - it's not just a Republican "issue".
Investigations????? If we are going to investigate ANYONE for misleading us into this we need to start, not with George W. Bush - but with William Jefferson Clinton. Do you really want to go down that road?
The Lady Logician, at 7:07 AM
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