Ladies Logic

Monday, October 23, 2006

Enforcing the ban

When I heard Dennis Prager talking about this story on his show today, I was certain that I mis-heard what he said, but alas I was wrong.

"Police have issued the order: Report smokers to 911 when Omaha's ban takes effect October 2. The officials who run the emergency communications center are urging people to first call upon their common sense."

Encouraging people to call 9-1-1 to report smokers? Has this country gone so far over the edge that we would really do this?

If cities like Omaha were really serious about stopping smoking they would make cigarettes as illegal as marijuana or cocaine. But they will never do that because they know that they would lose millions of dollars in tax revenue by doing so. So instead of doing it right, they are encouraging people to spy on their neighbors and become snitches. And what happens when the 9-1-1 system is clogged up with calls reporting smokers and a real emergency happens and someone actually DIES as a result?

Is it going to take an accident victim dying for the leaders of Omaha to see how stupid this really is? I certainly hope not!


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