These are the stakes
Never forget that the Democrats (and their willing accomplices in the MSM) know exactly what the stakes are in this election:
"There's one thing pundits agree on, it's that the Republican Party has more to lose in this year's midterm election. An understandable conclusion, but it's dead wrong. It's the Democrats who are more at risk...For Democrats, perhaps the worse fallout from a Democratic failure in the November elections is that it would allow Republicans to justifiably cite the results as a vindication for the Bush record and a rejection of Democrats as a credible alternative.
"If that happens," said Russ Hemenway of the liberal National Committee for an Effective Congress, "Democrats will be out of power for at least another decade." (emphasis mine)
They understand how important this election is. That is why you see story after story about how bad the Republicans are, how they are screwing up everything and how dis-spirited the Republican base is. DON'T BELIEVE THEM FOR A MOMENT! It is all part of a concerted campaign to keep the Republican base at home on Noveber 7. They fear the Republican Get Out The Vote machine. They know how effective it is and they are willing do say and do anything to make sure that it fails. So they send out bogus poll after bogus poll - all in the effort to drive down Republican turn out.
You are not going to fall for that, are you?????
"There's one thing pundits agree on, it's that the Republican Party has more to lose in this year's midterm election. An understandable conclusion, but it's dead wrong. It's the Democrats who are more at risk...For Democrats, perhaps the worse fallout from a Democratic failure in the November elections is that it would allow Republicans to justifiably cite the results as a vindication for the Bush record and a rejection of Democrats as a credible alternative.
"If that happens," said Russ Hemenway of the liberal National Committee for an Effective Congress, "Democrats will be out of power for at least another decade." (emphasis mine)
They understand how important this election is. That is why you see story after story about how bad the Republicans are, how they are screwing up everything and how dis-spirited the Republican base is. DON'T BELIEVE THEM FOR A MOMENT! It is all part of a concerted campaign to keep the Republican base at home on Noveber 7. They fear the Republican Get Out The Vote machine. They know how effective it is and they are willing do say and do anything to make sure that it fails. So they send out bogus poll after bogus poll - all in the effort to drive down Republican turn out.
You are not going to fall for that, are you?????
I hope no one falls for what you're saying. Bush and the Republicans have been an unmitigated disaster. Iraq has been a terrible fiasco and Bush is now promising to stay the course after receiving a commission report saying that we cannot do that. We've gotten a lot of fearmongering from Republicans on national security matters and other issues such as gay rights. It is time to vote the GOP out!
Anonymous, at 11:02 AM
Skipper - Staying the course???? Funny - I heard that there was a major course CHANGE that was announced early this morning.
Talk about fiascos...the Dems have already said that they are going to raise taxes (which will kill the economy) and move the troops out of Iraq to nearby Okinawa. Considering that OBL and Zarqawi both called Iraq a central front on the war, how is withdrawing from there going to make America safer?
I hope no one falls for what YOU are saying.
The Lady Logician, at 11:49 AM
As a former liberal Democrat, I know their ploys, their objective and their tactics. More or less, it is repeat phrases over and the great unwashed and illiterate, and they will believe it for truth.
Over the years, I have come to realize that I was duped into thinking Democrats represented the working class. In fact, that is the class they tax the most, and the most often, starting with LBJ in the late 1960's, and worsening as time went on.
Let us never forget that it was LBJ, under a Demo-controlled congress, who first voted to let themselves suck from our social security "fund" for their own pork projects back home. Now SS is in trouble, and babyboomers or subsequent participants may have nothing left on which to live. many Democrats in congress or senate, are standing up to protect the elderly and others who will depend on SS, by submitting legislation to cease all "borrowing", and never re-paying, from that fund? If Dems really care about the elderly, the working class and the future of this country, shouldn't they be the first to cease the legislation they proudly supported? One would think so. Morover, any congress or senate member who submitted that legislation would have the overwhelming support of the people. Perhaps what they say, and what they do, are the exact opposite as usual.
Then, in 1992, Slick Willie imposed an increase on social security. Yup..he was for the working people, too, but the working class beared the brunt of another tax increase. Tax the rich? LOL!
Our economy has never been better; the Dow [for you 401K holders} hits record highs; unemployment is at 4.6% - 5.5 or higher under Slick Willie and the Dems; consumer confidence is at an all-time high, and spending is up; interest rates are low, home ownership is up, especially for minorities; inflation is low; the deficit is falling right along with gasoline prices.
Yet..Dems must put forth a picture of gloom and doom, economic disasters, when 9 out of 10 of them are doing better than ever before. It's all a weak psychological ploy, again aimed at the illiterate unwashed, hoping to brainwash them into voting for a Dem. Every Dem I know thinks that the Dems in Washington are weak, cowardly and they are afraid that they will run and hide from the war on terror, thereby handing us over to the terrorists. True, if we do snivel off as cowards, and leave Iraq before our promise to the Iraqi people has been carried out, we are cowards. If Dems hold "world opinion" in such high esteem, then they should want to stay and finish the job. Instead, they want to re-deploy our troops to Okinawa. Hello ... war is war, stupid!
Fear or common sense? I'll take logic over "touchy feely", and wisdom over academia any day of the week. My children and grandchildren deserve to be safe, free from terrorism and it's murderous, hateful ideaology.
Scare tactics are logos of the Demo party. I remember hearing a couple of Dems on TV years ago say, "The Republicans will take away your social security" and this one .."Republicans are for the rich".. yada yada I turn around and the Dems are putting higher taxes on working people, voting for open borders [against unions] and losing respect of the American people by the day.
I no longer understand why anyone would vote for Democrat, especially now. Perhaps it's because most are not independent thinkers, they never check voting records of their candidates [duh!] and would vote for a skunk if he had a Dem. label slapped on his name.
By the way, here's a site for everyone to find out how their candidate votes, which is a lot different than their spiel:
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
Gay rights? Are you a pillow biter? That figures.
Best economy ever and you want to change course?
Well I guess that makes sense for a guy who spends his time looking for love in a man's behind. LOL
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
Well skipper, you've been living on the wrong plant it seems. The tax breaks worked, the economy swings and we haven't had a terrorist attack in the USA for five years. Hmm maybe you should review Clinton's years, his hatred of the military and yes his sex romps which stopped him from getting Osamba three times. You sound like a radical left liberal.
Anonymous, at 3:10 PM
Here's what our beloved President said this morning, "Stay the course is about a quarter right," he said. "Stay the course means keep doing what you're doing. My attitude is, don't do what you're doing if it's not working -- change."
What the hell does that mean? It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that what we are doing in Iraq isn't working. It should have been obvious from the start that invading an Islamic country that did not pose a serious threat to us would only lend more credence to Al Qaeda's message that the United States poses a threat to Islam. We have created more terrorists with this foolish invasion.
As for the abusive comments directed at me, they are obviously the products of small minds that are incapable of discussing issues intelligently. Perhaps they are also the products of the desperation of the far right in the wake of Bush's incompetence and all of the recent GOP scandals.
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM
For my new right-wing pals. Here's another GOP superstar!
Cubin tells challenger, 'I'd slap you'
Star-Tribune staff writer Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ryan Soderlin, Star-Tribune Libertarian candidate Thomas Rankin
conducts a telephone interview with an out-of-town news reporter on Monday at his home in Casper. Rankin works from a hospital bed, with an attached tabletop that holds his computer equipment.
The Libertarian challenger for Wyoming's lone U.S. House seat says
Rep. Barbara Cubin offended him by uttering a slur related to his
physical disability.
Thomas Rankin said Cubin approached him after a campaign debate on Sunday and said, "If you weren't sitting in that chair, I'd slap you across the face."
The Cubin campaign did not deny the remark, but a spokesman for the
six-term congresswoman said Rankin started the exchange.
"He misrepresented her and insulted her integrity during the debate," Cubin spokesman Eric Cullen said, reading from a prepared statement.
"When she approached him after the debate about it, he said something
not very complimentary. She responded. It was a private conversation. She's over it."
Rankin, however, said he said nothing to Cubin before her remark, and he doesn't consider the issued closed.
"There's no way to undo what she has done," he said. "That shows her
insensitivity to people with disabilities."
Cullen had no further comment.
Democrat challenger Gary Trauner's spokeswoman, Linda Stoval,
declined to comment about the incident.
The incident occurred after the hour-long debate sponsored by Wyoming Public Television, Wyoming Public Radio and KTWO-TV.
Rankin, who lives in Casper, had criticized the six-term incumbent
for taking $22,520 from a political action committee of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, who is under indictment in Texas for conspiring to violate campaign contribution laws.
After the cameras and lights were shut off, Cubin walked on the stage
behind Trauner and then to Rankin, who was still sitting at the
table, Rankin said.
Rankin, who is disabled with multiple sclerosis and uses an electric wheelchair, had not moved yet.
While his aide Jeremy Moniz was helping him, Moniz heard Cubin's
comment, too.
"She came right up and said it," Moniz said.
Rankin didn't say anything to Cubin before she confronted him, he
"It took me totally off guard," he said. "I said, 'Barbara, if you
feel the need to slap me, go right ahead.'"
Cubin then turned around and walked away.
Rankin called her comment an inappropriate slur to the disabled.
Cubin had not contacted him to apologize, Rankin said.
Lobbyists debated
The post-debate confrontation arose from a question about the impact of lobbyists by moderator Bob Beck of Wyoming Public Radio.
Trauner responded first, saying he favors public financing of
campaigns to remove the influence of special interests and well-
heeled industries.
Cubin responded that lobbyists have a legitimate role to represent
their industries and interests. "Lobbyists aren't boogiemen that are
hiding around," she said.
The laws regarding lobbying are adequate, and those who break the
laws should be punished, she said.
Cubin said she never took any money from disgraced lobbyist Jack
Abramoff, who is serving a jail sentence after pleading guilty to
mail fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion charges.
However, after Abramoff's guilty plea in January, Cubin announced she would donate the $250 she received from the lobbyist in 1996 to the Wyoming Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Center in Sheridan.
Rankin then said Cubin received $22,000 from groups linked to
Abramoff, and has refused to return those funds.
Cubin challenged Rankin to name which Abramoff organization gave her $22,000.
Rankin later responded that the $22,000 actually was from DeLay.
At that point, Cubin shook her head and waved her hands in disgust.
Cubin has said that she will not return the money because DeLay has
not been convicted of any crime.
She referred to the lobbyist dispute in her closing statement.
"One thing I've learned tonight is that when you have a record for
people to misrepresent, they do," Cubin said.
Reporter Tom Morton can be reached at (307) 266-0592, or at
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
People - let's please keep the conversation civil - thank you....
Skipper - I'm trying to figure out what your story from Wyoming has to do with the topic at hand. Tyger did not accuse YOU of anything. She was talking about another leftist troll....then again maybe you recognize that there may be reason for her to say that about you.....
The Lady Logician, at 10:31 PM
You're making a totally phony claim that drawing Al Qaeda to Iraq means they won't attack us in the United States. It only took 20 Al Qaeda terrorists to attack the WTC and Pentagon. The United States mainland could still be attacked by Al Qaeda. Plus, Al Qaeda and other insurgents in Iraq have killed some 2,800 Americans, about the same number killed at the WTC.
Anonymous, at 9:25 AM
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