As we trudge through the final 8 days of October surprises and attack ads, I thought I would remind you what this is really ALL about.
"The future of America is in grave peril. Silent are the voices of those patriots who stand proud while paying homage to our nation's fallen servicemen on Memorial Day.
Absent are the statesmen of a by-gone era when men served their nation with dignity and upheld their oaths to preserve the constitution.
We are currently engaged in fighting a war for our very survival against a cunning, ruthless and implacable enemy - an enemy that is skilled in using against us the rights guaranteed by our own Constitution. "
In this case, the writer is concerned about an apathy toward the looming "Islamist threat", however my fear is an even larger one. More and more voters have grown more and more apathetic about voting and government. Oh they profess to have good reasons for their apathy - there is no difference between the two parties....politicians will say anything to get elected...it doesn't matter because once they get to DC they change...I'm just too busy...my one vote doesn't count....We've all heard them all.
However, reality says something else. There have never been more apparent differences between the two major partys as there is now. One party feels that the best way to fight the global war on terror is with the Army - the other with the police. One party believes that the taxpayer can do more good (for the economy and for charity) with their money than the government can - the other thinks that government knows best. One believes that the Keynesian economic model is the best one to emulate - the other believes that Marxism is better. One believes in the inherent "goodness" of America and the American people - the other believes that we would be better if we were more like Europe and less like America!
The only way to get honest politicians is to elect honest politicians. Don't lament the dirth of honest politicians if you vote for the guy that promises you the most goodies. You will be disappointed.
You say your one vote doesn't count? Tell that to the Rochester City councilman who won BY ONE VOTE. Tell that to Mark Kennedy who won his first Congressional race by 155 votes!
Please, please, please dear readers I beg of you. Take time in the final 8 days to read as much as you can - from multiple sources (not just the mainstream media) about the races in your area. Make the time to find out what candidates share your values and then GET OUT AND VOTE FOR THEM. Too many of our forefathers died for us to be able to live free in this wonderful country. We may not be called to make that sacrifice, but because of their sacrifice we owe it to their memories to get out and vote on November 7!
"The future of America is in grave peril. Silent are the voices of those patriots who stand proud while paying homage to our nation's fallen servicemen on Memorial Day.
Absent are the statesmen of a by-gone era when men served their nation with dignity and upheld their oaths to preserve the constitution.
We are currently engaged in fighting a war for our very survival against a cunning, ruthless and implacable enemy - an enemy that is skilled in using against us the rights guaranteed by our own Constitution. "
In this case, the writer is concerned about an apathy toward the looming "Islamist threat", however my fear is an even larger one. More and more voters have grown more and more apathetic about voting and government. Oh they profess to have good reasons for their apathy - there is no difference between the two parties....politicians will say anything to get elected...it doesn't matter because once they get to DC they change...I'm just too busy...my one vote doesn't count....We've all heard them all.
However, reality says something else. There have never been more apparent differences between the two major partys as there is now. One party feels that the best way to fight the global war on terror is with the Army - the other with the police. One party believes that the taxpayer can do more good (for the economy and for charity) with their money than the government can - the other thinks that government knows best. One believes that the Keynesian economic model is the best one to emulate - the other believes that Marxism is better. One believes in the inherent "goodness" of America and the American people - the other believes that we would be better if we were more like Europe and less like America!
The only way to get honest politicians is to elect honest politicians. Don't lament the dirth of honest politicians if you vote for the guy that promises you the most goodies. You will be disappointed.
You say your one vote doesn't count? Tell that to the Rochester City councilman who won BY ONE VOTE. Tell that to Mark Kennedy who won his first Congressional race by 155 votes!
Please, please, please dear readers I beg of you. Take time in the final 8 days to read as much as you can - from multiple sources (not just the mainstream media) about the races in your area. Make the time to find out what candidates share your values and then GET OUT AND VOTE FOR THEM. Too many of our forefathers died for us to be able to live free in this wonderful country. We may not be called to make that sacrifice, but because of their sacrifice we owe it to their memories to get out and vote on November 7!
You should be ashamed to post such lies. The Democrats are not Marxists and they do not propose fighting terror with only the police. Al Qaeda should have been the focus of the war on terror but the idiot Bush invaded Iraq instead, which has caused a myriad of problems. It's time for the Republicans and Democrats who supported him to go!
Anonymous, at 11:22 AM
What lies Skipper and please provide something to back up your assertions?
Every Democratic candidate out there (such as Jack Murtha and Coleen Rowley) have INSISTED in their campaign websites, position papers and debates that the Global War on terror should be treated as a CRIMINAL JUSTICE MATTER and not a war. al Zarqawi (prior to his death at the US Armed Forces hands) said that Iraq is a central front on the GWOT. OBL has stated that Iraq is a central front on the GWOT. What part of that is unclear to you?
The Lady Logician, at 12:13 PM
Skipper - see my post before this one and follow the links in that story and the ones before it. I DOCUMENT where Dem Candidates such as Coleen Rowley have SAID that this should be treated as a police action ONLY!
The Lady Logician, at 12:15 PM
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