This is the last time I will tell you...
I have tried to show my fellow Conservatives all the reasons why they must show up and vote on Tuesday. I leave the last word to Doc Farmer as he sums it all up succinctly.
" So why should you even bother to get out of your chair, drive to a polling station, wait in line, and do your duty as a Citizen of this Constitutional Republic?
What follows are the reasons you MUST vote tomorrow.
· Nancy Pelosi: You’ve not heard anything from this banshee from San Francisco in the past few weeks. For good reason. The lib/dem/soc/commies KNOW that if you see her for what she truly is, you’ll run screaming to the polls begging to vote against her philosophy. A philosophy that will further assist the terrorists--and yes, she has actively helped terrorists and terrorism over the past few years. Why? Because (wait for it, folks) she doesn’t like Dubya. If the lib/dem/soc/commies get into power, she will be THIRD IN LINE for the presidency. She wants power. She doesn’t care how many bodies she has to crawl over to get it. Those bodies, by the way, could quite easily include yours.
· Harry Reid: He’s been a bit low-key, too, but for different reasons. The MSM have been actively suppressing his real estate fraud for several weeks now, because they want to focus on the “culture of corruption” in rep/con/tair-land. Are there crooks on the right? A few, yes. What happens to them? They get fired, they get tried, they get convicted and they get JAILED. What happens to lib/dem/soc/commies that are crooks? They get promoted into senior positions, or protected by their buddies, or they blame [insert addiction / character flaw / unfortunate childhood experience here] and go into rehab.
· William Jefferson: See above (but don’t ask too many questions about why he keeps his bribe money in the freezer).
· Teddy Kennedy: He’s a murderer. He’s a liar. He’s a fool. He’s a danger to our nation. And he’s one of their ''elder statesmen''? ‘Nuff said.
· John Kerry, aka Hanoi John, aka Jean François Kerrée: He’s a traitor. He has taken every opportunity to diss our troops, to bad mouth them, to accuse them of unspeakable crimes, while protecting the enemy. And then, when he makes a “joke” that openly states our soldiers in Iraq are stupid, he makes a faux apology that basically says, “I’m sorry that you’re too stupid to understand my nuanced sense of humor.” His own website even has an op/ed from the Seattle Post/Intelligencer which clumsily reaffirms Kerry’s own belief that he is correct, thereby nullifying that bogus act of contrition. He even tries to make the excuse that he was talking about Bush being dumb. Considering the fact that Bush got better grades than he, his excuse sounds like most of what he’s spreading. A hot, steamin’ load of male bovine excrement.
· John Murtha: A former Marine (I know, there’s supposedly no such thing as a former jarhead, but in this case I think they should make an exception) who doesn’t even know where Okinawa is in relation to the Middle East, and he’s their spokesman on military matters? A man who decides, before any evidence is presented to the proper authorities, that our military is guilty, and MUST be guilty, thereby avoiding all that annoying “innocent until proven” stuff. This from a guy who was implicated in ABSCAM (look it up) but wasn’t arrested because he didn’t want to accept a bribe “at this point”--his words, on video (go here).
· Hillary Clinton: Because she’s Hillary Clinton. No other explanation is necessary.
· Immigration: Look, I’m honked off about Dubya’s terrible handling of illegal aliens (they’re not guest workers, dammit!) However, rep/con/tairs in the House were the ONLY thing that kept his “all-inclusive” bill about immigration “reform” being put into play. Instead, they forced the creation of a security-fence bill. Granted, it’s only 700 miles, but that’s a start compared to what the opposition would provide. Lib/dem/soc/commies actively encourage illegal aliens and will provide them with amnesty followed by citizenship, because 1) they figure they’ll get their vote and 2) they further the creation of an underclass, which provides lib/dem/soc/commies with a powerbase. Allow them to come into power, and you can kiss the borders, your job, the English language and America ‘s culture goodbye.
· World War IV: It’s not about Iraq. That is one front in an overall war against terrorism. Moreover, WE ARE WINNING IT with rep/con/tairs at the helm. Lib/dem/soc/commies, if allowed into power in the House or Senate, will pull another Vietnam. Remember that? LBJ micromanaged the war, which screwed things up badly. Nixon got in, and actually started winning the war by letting the generals run the show. The mainstream media (and Jean François Kerrée) LIED about our actions and involvement there. Nevertheless, winning was something the lib/dem/soc/commies in Congress couldn’t abide. As a result, they PULLED THE FUNDING. More of our troops died because of that. Millions of Cambodians died because of that. An entire region ended up under the thrall of communism. More millions died or were imprisoned and tortured. Lib/dem/soc/commies have done this to us before. They will do it again. Instead of having a war fought far away from us, terrorists will again come to our shores. Am I fear mongering? Yes. Why? Because sometimes, you need to be reminded of things that you SHOULD fear. "
There is much, much more and you should read it.
I've "known" Doc for about 3 years now. We both belong to a couple of on-line discussion groups. Doc is a rock solid Conservative and he has made no bones about his dis-satisfaction with the administration's handling of issues such as the immigration crisis. But even through all of that, Doc realizes (as I do) that the alternative is - from a conservative stand point - a much worse alternative.
To all of you conservatives out there this is the last time I will say this to you (at least during this election cycle)....GET OFF OF THE COUCH AND GO VOTE ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7!
" So why should you even bother to get out of your chair, drive to a polling station, wait in line, and do your duty as a Citizen of this Constitutional Republic?
What follows are the reasons you MUST vote tomorrow.
· Nancy Pelosi: You’ve not heard anything from this banshee from San Francisco in the past few weeks. For good reason. The lib/dem/soc/commies KNOW that if you see her for what she truly is, you’ll run screaming to the polls begging to vote against her philosophy. A philosophy that will further assist the terrorists--and yes, she has actively helped terrorists and terrorism over the past few years. Why? Because (wait for it, folks) she doesn’t like Dubya. If the lib/dem/soc/commies get into power, she will be THIRD IN LINE for the presidency. She wants power. She doesn’t care how many bodies she has to crawl over to get it. Those bodies, by the way, could quite easily include yours.
· Harry Reid: He’s been a bit low-key, too, but for different reasons. The MSM have been actively suppressing his real estate fraud for several weeks now, because they want to focus on the “culture of corruption” in rep/con/tair-land. Are there crooks on the right? A few, yes. What happens to them? They get fired, they get tried, they get convicted and they get JAILED. What happens to lib/dem/soc/commies that are crooks? They get promoted into senior positions, or protected by their buddies, or they blame [insert addiction / character flaw / unfortunate childhood experience here] and go into rehab.
· William Jefferson: See above (but don’t ask too many questions about why he keeps his bribe money in the freezer).
· Teddy Kennedy: He’s a murderer. He’s a liar. He’s a fool. He’s a danger to our nation. And he’s one of their ''elder statesmen''? ‘Nuff said.
· John Kerry, aka Hanoi John, aka Jean François Kerrée: He’s a traitor. He has taken every opportunity to diss our troops, to bad mouth them, to accuse them of unspeakable crimes, while protecting the enemy. And then, when he makes a “joke” that openly states our soldiers in Iraq are stupid, he makes a faux apology that basically says, “I’m sorry that you’re too stupid to understand my nuanced sense of humor.” His own website even has an op/ed from the Seattle Post/Intelligencer which clumsily reaffirms Kerry’s own belief that he is correct, thereby nullifying that bogus act of contrition. He even tries to make the excuse that he was talking about Bush being dumb. Considering the fact that Bush got better grades than he, his excuse sounds like most of what he’s spreading. A hot, steamin’ load of male bovine excrement.
· John Murtha: A former Marine (I know, there’s supposedly no such thing as a former jarhead, but in this case I think they should make an exception) who doesn’t even know where Okinawa is in relation to the Middle East, and he’s their spokesman on military matters? A man who decides, before any evidence is presented to the proper authorities, that our military is guilty, and MUST be guilty, thereby avoiding all that annoying “innocent until proven” stuff. This from a guy who was implicated in ABSCAM (look it up) but wasn’t arrested because he didn’t want to accept a bribe “at this point”--his words, on video (go here).
· Hillary Clinton: Because she’s Hillary Clinton. No other explanation is necessary.
· Immigration: Look, I’m honked off about Dubya’s terrible handling of illegal aliens (they’re not guest workers, dammit!) However, rep/con/tairs in the House were the ONLY thing that kept his “all-inclusive” bill about immigration “reform” being put into play. Instead, they forced the creation of a security-fence bill. Granted, it’s only 700 miles, but that’s a start compared to what the opposition would provide. Lib/dem/soc/commies actively encourage illegal aliens and will provide them with amnesty followed by citizenship, because 1) they figure they’ll get their vote and 2) they further the creation of an underclass, which provides lib/dem/soc/commies with a powerbase. Allow them to come into power, and you can kiss the borders, your job, the English language and America ‘s culture goodbye.
· World War IV: It’s not about Iraq. That is one front in an overall war against terrorism. Moreover, WE ARE WINNING IT with rep/con/tairs at the helm. Lib/dem/soc/commies, if allowed into power in the House or Senate, will pull another Vietnam. Remember that? LBJ micromanaged the war, which screwed things up badly. Nixon got in, and actually started winning the war by letting the generals run the show. The mainstream media (and Jean François Kerrée) LIED about our actions and involvement there. Nevertheless, winning was something the lib/dem/soc/commies in Congress couldn’t abide. As a result, they PULLED THE FUNDING. More of our troops died because of that. Millions of Cambodians died because of that. An entire region ended up under the thrall of communism. More millions died or were imprisoned and tortured. Lib/dem/soc/commies have done this to us before. They will do it again. Instead of having a war fought far away from us, terrorists will again come to our shores. Am I fear mongering? Yes. Why? Because sometimes, you need to be reminded of things that you SHOULD fear. "
There is much, much more and you should read it.
I've "known" Doc for about 3 years now. We both belong to a couple of on-line discussion groups. Doc is a rock solid Conservative and he has made no bones about his dis-satisfaction with the administration's handling of issues such as the immigration crisis. But even through all of that, Doc realizes (as I do) that the alternative is - from a conservative stand point - a much worse alternative.
To all of you conservatives out there this is the last time I will say this to you (at least during this election cycle)....GET OFF OF THE COUCH AND GO VOTE ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7!
This is a bunch of shrill nonsense. The McCarthyism only shows how desperate you and other Republicans are getting. And the stuff about the U.S. winning in Iraq is disinformation (I chose to use a kind term).
I hope the voters don't fall for this type of disinformation come tomorrow. It's time for a chagne of course.
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
The above remark is nothing more than an ad-hominem attack.
The points made in the column are valid. Making references to "McCarthyism" doesn't do anything to dissway the valid points either.
The "mad voter" bit is actually absurd. GWB will be gone in 2008. Many indicators show the US handing control over to the Iraqis by 2008 or 2009 and now there's talks to make this occur quicker because the Iraqi's are stepping up their security efforts.
So now we get the dem base who are eagerly waiting for their delicious 'failed Iraq' drumbeat to come true and voting for a "change of course" when we will have a new president in 2008.
While I voted for GWB - I also recognize that we likely won't necessarily have a republican in office in 2008. Even if we do, I seriously doubt a republican administration (after GWB's term in 2008) want to stay in Iraq either.
GWB will be gone in 2008. Our policy with Iraq will also change. It seems the democrats are more like ambulance chasers who are focused on exploiting the perceived weakenesses of their voters rather than a coherent set of policies of their own. Their mantra and drumbeat is to blame, investigate and use demagogue tactics.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
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