Ladies Logic

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I wonder...

For a long time, the Democrats accused President Bush of ignoring the recommendations of officers in the field when it came to making policy decisions about the Iraq War. I wonder if that means that they are going to listen to the Generals when they tell them things that they don't want hear?

"Top military officials warned Congress yesterday that a quick withdrawal of American troops from Iraq could cause the country to spiral into even deeper chaos that would destabilize the region and create a safe haven for Al Qaeda."

The New York Times has even finally come to the same conclusion - that a premature withdrawal from Iraq is ill-advised.

"“The logic of this is you put pressure on Maliki and force him to stand up to this,” General Zinni said in an interview, referring to Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister. “Well, you can’t put pressure on a wounded guy. There is a premise that the Iraqis are not doing enough now, that there is a capability that they have not employed or used. I am not so sure they are capable of stopping sectarian violence.”
Instead of taking troops out, General Zinni said, it would make more sense to consider deploying additional American forces over the next six months to “regain momentum” as part of a broader effort to stabilize Iraq that would create more jobs, foster political reconciliation and develop more effective Iraqi security forces."

Yet Congressman Murtha was again making the call for troop "re-deployment" today. Is that his idea of "listening" to the Generals on the ground?

The ball is now in their court. Even "their" generals are saying what the President has long said - removal of our troops in Iraq would be a disaster. Will the Dems listen? Or will they ignore the Generals - as they have accused the President of doing. Yeah...the next few weeks are going to be very interesting!


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