Are we doomed?
I don't understand why some Americans don't take what this man says seriously!
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has predicted that Britian, Israel and the United States would eventually disappear from the world like the Egyptian pharaonic kings.
"The oppressive powers will disappear while the Iranian people will stay. Any power that is close to God will survive while the powers who are far from God will disappear like the pharaohs," he said Wednesday, according to Iranian news agencies.
"Today, it is the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime which are doomed to disappear as they have moved far away from the teachings of God," he said in a speech in the western town of Javanroud.
"It is a divine promise."
Ahmadinejad's comments were the latest salvo by the deeply religious president against the West and Israel. He has repeatedly predicted that Israel is doomed to disappear. "
Now I would assume that, as a Christian, President Bush believe that all of Israel's enemies are "doomed to disappear" but I don't hear him going on nationwide television to say so.
As if to back up that statement, we find that Iran is arming the Iraqi insurgents that are attacking our troops.
"According to a senior defense official, coalition forces have recently seized Iranian-made weapons and munitions that bear manufacturing dates in 2006.
This suggests, say the sources, that the material is going directly from Iranian factories to Shia militias, rather than taking a roundabout path through the black market. "There is no way this could be done without (Iranian) government approval," says a senior official. "
If that wasn't enough - he is arming those that are determined to destroy Israel.
When is the left going to quit supporting a leader that is bound and determined to undermine world peace. Isn't that what they profess to want? So why do we continue to deal with this man? When is the "world" going to take action against a man that wants nothing more than the total annhilation of the civilized world? Are we really so spineless that we are willing to lay down and die rather than fight for our lives? Have we been that neutered?
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has predicted that Britian, Israel and the United States would eventually disappear from the world like the Egyptian pharaonic kings.
"The oppressive powers will disappear while the Iranian people will stay. Any power that is close to God will survive while the powers who are far from God will disappear like the pharaohs," he said Wednesday, according to Iranian news agencies.
"Today, it is the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime which are doomed to disappear as they have moved far away from the teachings of God," he said in a speech in the western town of Javanroud.
"It is a divine promise."
Ahmadinejad's comments were the latest salvo by the deeply religious president against the West and Israel. He has repeatedly predicted that Israel is doomed to disappear. "
Now I would assume that, as a Christian, President Bush believe that all of Israel's enemies are "doomed to disappear" but I don't hear him going on nationwide television to say so.
As if to back up that statement, we find that Iran is arming the Iraqi insurgents that are attacking our troops.
"According to a senior defense official, coalition forces have recently seized Iranian-made weapons and munitions that bear manufacturing dates in 2006.
This suggests, say the sources, that the material is going directly from Iranian factories to Shia militias, rather than taking a roundabout path through the black market. "There is no way this could be done without (Iranian) government approval," says a senior official. "
If that wasn't enough - he is arming those that are determined to destroy Israel.
When is the left going to quit supporting a leader that is bound and determined to undermine world peace. Isn't that what they profess to want? So why do we continue to deal with this man? When is the "world" going to take action against a man that wants nothing more than the total annhilation of the civilized world? Are we really so spineless that we are willing to lay down and die rather than fight for our lives? Have we been that neutered?
Skipper - you love to throw out accusations that have no basis in fact. Show me where I said that the left "supported" Anmadinejad....
The Lady Logician, at 7:33 PM
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