Ayaan Hirsi Ali
This wonderful woman is the reason why I started speaking out on the plight of women in the Islamic world. She burst onto the world stage after the death of Theo Van Gogh at the hands of a "Muslim extremist". Van Gogh was murdered for producing the movie "Submission" which Hirsi Ali wrote the script and provided the voice over for. The note that was pinned to Van Gogh (with the knife used to kill him) was a threat on Hirsi Ali's life for her role in the film. The threat was real enough that the Hirsi Ali ended up living in a police station...for her own protection! She is now living in the US but is still keeping a very low profile because of the threats on her life.
Hirsi Ali was on Hannity and Colmes last night to promote her new book "Infidel". Hot Air has the video. Her quiet demeanor belied the intensity of the subject. It is must see viewing (and reading) for anyone who doubts the validity of my previous posts.
Hirsi Ali was on Hannity and Colmes last night to promote her new book "Infidel". Hot Air has the video. Her quiet demeanor belied the intensity of the subject. It is must see viewing (and reading) for anyone who doubts the validity of my previous posts.
Labels: Logical Ladies
I'm impressed.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 8:32 AM
She is an amazing lady. I am in awe of her. How she survived everything she has is a testament to her strength.
The Lady Logician, at 2:28 PM
Of course she's an amazing person -- one who got the chances she did because she chose to go to a liberal, open, western European country.
But wasn't her immigration story revealed as false a while ago? She lied to get into that awful, tolerant Netherlands, didn't she? I thought those sociaist "Old Europe" folks with their universal health care and regulated economies and social welfare systems were evil to the Logical Lady.
Well, here we go. She's admitted to lying to obtain asylum, making her - gasp! - an illegal immigrant:
And after all the false statements,they lying to get to a place of asylum, the upheaval she brought about, and the difficulty she's caused, the Dutch government is letting her keep her residency, those horrid tolerant, progressive Dutch.
Good thing she didn't try to come to this country first. We know what fate the Logical Lady would have decreed for an illegal immigrant like her.
Anonymous, at 9:59 AM
Oh so clever....you come here throwing out accusations anonymously. Of course, you have no idea what you are talking about, but that goes without saying.
"one who got the chances she did because she chose to go to a liberal, open, western European country."
An open liberal country that was so open, the only way that they could keep her safe from the Islamic extremists that wanted to kill her was to put her in jail. Here's a radical thought....how about putting the people who threatened her life in jail????? Also, are you saying that the only reason Ms. Hirsi Ali managed to excel was because she did migrate to a "liberal, open, western democracy" implying that those poor Islamic women who don't have the priviledges she had won't excel in the same way. How liberal and inclusive you are.....
You are equating someone who had to lie because she was in fear of her life to someone who knowingly breaks the law to come here for personal gain - usually via drug deals...
Lastly you have obviously never read any other posts on this blog or you would know your final paragraph is nothing more than a lie.
The Lady Logician, at 7:27 PM
oohh..... calm down.
She lied to get into the country. She's admitted as much. She got into a compassionate, liberal country because she played on their good nature andtolerance.
But you yourself have said that: "How difficult is it for our press to realize that the folks that ICE busted, BROKE THE LAW? The last time I looked, this was a nation of laws and if you broke the law you were supposed to go to jail."
You would have put this illegal immigrant in jail not to help her, but because "if you broke the law you were supposed to go to jail."
Or in your mind does the law only apply to those you don't like? Or is it those who speak Spanish? Or those whose stories you haven't deemed sympathetic enough? Or just those who disagree with your simplisitc blathering?
As for my remaining anonymous, why should that have any impact on the purported logic of your ideas? If your ideas have any value, they'd stand on their own despite my identity or lack thereof. I don't know who you are but by your writing, so what's the problem?
Anonymous, at 10:44 PM
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