Ladies Logic

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

And they're off!

Captain Ed caught something from the Sunday shows that is going to cause major problems for the BDS sufferers.

"It has been amusing to see Democrats in Congress attempt to explain away their votes for the war in Iraq over the past year. Most of them have settled on the excuse that the Bush administration deceived them in October 2002 into authorizing military force based on the exact same intelligence that moved them to declare official American policy of regime change in 1998. The Democrats won a majority in the midterms by stoking Bush Derangement Syndrome, but for 2008 they face a daunting task -- winning elections without using the retiring George Bush as a bogeyman.
John Edwards has found a solution by shifting blame yet again, and in the process exposing the "Bush lied" meme as a hypocritical dodge. In his Sunday appearance on Meet the Press, Edwards attempted to excuse his vote on the AUMF by blaming Clinton administration officials for confirming the intel coming from the Bush administration (via McQ at QandO, emphases mine):
MR. RUSSERT: “ A grave threat to America,” do you still believe that?
MR. RUSSERT: Why were you so wrong?
SEN. EDWARDS: For the same reason a lot of people were wrong. You know, we—the intelligence information that we got was wrong. I mean, tragically wrong. On top of that I’d—beyond that, I went back to former Clinton administration officials who gave me sort of independent information about what they believed about what was happening with Saddam’s weapon—weapons programs. They were also wrong. And, based on that, I made the wrong judgment. ...
MR. RUSSERT: But it seems as if, as a member of the intelligence committee, you just got it dead wrong, and that you even ignored some caveats and ignored people who were urging caution.
SEN. EDWARDS: Well, I, I, I would—first of all, I don’t want to defend this. Let me be really clear about this. I think anybody who wants to be president of the United States has got to be honest and open, be willing to admit when they’ve done things wrong. One of the things, unfortunately, that’s happened in Iraq is we’ve had a president who was completely unmoving, wouldn’t change course, wouldn’t take any responsibility or admit that he’d made any mistakes. And I think America, in fact the world has paid a huge price for that. So I accept my responsibility. I’m not defending what I did. Because what happened was the information that we got on the intelligence committee was, was relatively consistent with what I was getting from former Clinton administration officials. I told you a few minutes ago I was concerned about giving this president the authority, and I turned out to be wrong about that." (emphasis in the original)

Now a lot of conservatives (myself included) have been saying this every time we encounter a sufferer of BDS. It's nice to see one of them finally admit it. What makes it even better is that this admission comes from sheer political opportunism. Edwards knows that the Democrats base is firmly against the war effort. In order to appeal to that base, many candidates are having to justify their votes for the authorization to invade Iraq.

What's even better is by doing this, Edwards hopes to damage the front runner in the Democrats Presidential sweepstakes.

"So now he's blaming members of the Clinton administration for lying to him as well. That's certainly convenient. After all, Hillary Clinton is his biggest competitor for the nomination, and shifting blame to her husband for the Iraq war would suit his needs perfectly. He can now argue that he was no sap -- he checked on the information and got the same answer from the previous Democratic administration.
However, this opens up a completely new problem for Edwards and the rest of the Democrats. They have claimed for at least the last two years that Bush Lied (TM), that the entire basis of the war was based on his deceptions about the intelligence. Their campaigns have created an impetus for impeachment in some Democratic circles based on this supposed set of lies. Now John Edwards, years later, claims that Clinton administration officials gave him essentially the same analysis about WMD in Iraq -- exposing the Democrats as liars and smear artists themselves." (emphasis in the original)

Ed (as usual) nails it as usual! It will be fun to see the fall out of the remarks that former Senator Edwards made. It if becomes the meme for the press and the rest of the Democrats field of hopefulls, it could spell trouble for Senator Hillary Clinton. Then again, knowing the Clinton political machine, this meme could spell trouble for her opponents. One thing that Republicans and Democrats alike will admit - Mrs. Clinton is ambitious and she does whatever it takes to fulfill those ambitions. Anyone who gets between Hillary and what she wants usually ends up getting bowled over!

Watching politicians jockey for position going into primary season has always been entertaining. This year could be even more entertaining!



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