I'm leaving the indepth "analysis" of last Thursday's debates to those with much better political minds than mine. I just wanted to make a few observations from the "grass roots" level.
THE GOOD - the candidates that "won" the debate (to me) were Governor Romney, Senator Brownback and Rep. Duncan Hunter. I thought all three handled themselves quite well. Rep Hunter, especially, scored big. Going into the debate, he was known as a "one trick pony" or a one issue (immigration) candidate and he came out of the debate showing his range of knowledge of the issues of the day.
THE BAD - Dr. Ron Paul, Rep. Tom Tancredo and Governor Tommy Thompson. Issues wise, Thompson was solid, but his body language just showed how uncomfortable he was with the forum, the cameras and everything else. Rep Tancredo is known for being a "one trick pony" and he did nothing to change that image. Which is a shame as he really is a smart man with a decent grasp of the issues. Dr. Paul came across as an isolationist nut job. It is no coincidence that the Kos Kidz flooded most post debate polls to vote for Dr. Paul as the debate winner!
THE UGLY - Moderator Chris Matthews. Matthews had a golden opportunity to put to rest the media bias charges that have been leveled against him. Instead of asking questions about Social Security, Welfare or Medicare reforms and prescription drug prices, Matthews asked such important questions as "would you favor changing the Constitution to allow Governor Schwarzenegger the opportunity to run for President?" and "is Karl Rove your friend? Is there a place for him in your administration?" and "Do you believe in evolution?" His questioning showed his utter contempt for the Republican Party. For someone who is supposed to be a professional, his questions seemed to be so totally ignorant about what is important to half of the American voters. He seemed to have no idea what is important to Republican voters so he relied on the DNC's stereotypes of Republicans.
Logical Lady Star Parker takes Matthews and the media at whole to task for failing to ask the tough questions. Questions on health care reform, education and entitlements....questions that were asked of the Democratic candidates in their debate a couple of weeks ago. She wonders whether the purpose of the debates was information or mindless entertainment.
One has to wonder, a little bit, why no substantive questions were asked of the Republican candidates? Is it ignorance or is it bias? Was Matthews really that ignorant of Republican voters and what is important to them? Or was this an attempt to keep the Republican voters disspirited? Regardless of the answer, it is imperative that Republican voters not rely on the press to get them information on the candidates running for THEIR nomination. Republican voters need to get off of the couch and find out for themselves where the candidates stand on the issues.
THE GOOD - the candidates that "won" the debate (to me) were Governor Romney, Senator Brownback and Rep. Duncan Hunter. I thought all three handled themselves quite well. Rep Hunter, especially, scored big. Going into the debate, he was known as a "one trick pony" or a one issue (immigration) candidate and he came out of the debate showing his range of knowledge of the issues of the day.
THE BAD - Dr. Ron Paul, Rep. Tom Tancredo and Governor Tommy Thompson. Issues wise, Thompson was solid, but his body language just showed how uncomfortable he was with the forum, the cameras and everything else. Rep Tancredo is known for being a "one trick pony" and he did nothing to change that image. Which is a shame as he really is a smart man with a decent grasp of the issues. Dr. Paul came across as an isolationist nut job. It is no coincidence that the Kos Kidz flooded most post debate polls to vote for Dr. Paul as the debate winner!
THE UGLY - Moderator Chris Matthews. Matthews had a golden opportunity to put to rest the media bias charges that have been leveled against him. Instead of asking questions about Social Security, Welfare or Medicare reforms and prescription drug prices, Matthews asked such important questions as "would you favor changing the Constitution to allow Governor Schwarzenegger the opportunity to run for President?" and "is Karl Rove your friend? Is there a place for him in your administration?" and "Do you believe in evolution?" His questioning showed his utter contempt for the Republican Party. For someone who is supposed to be a professional, his questions seemed to be so totally ignorant about what is important to half of the American voters. He seemed to have no idea what is important to Republican voters so he relied on the DNC's stereotypes of Republicans.
Logical Lady Star Parker takes Matthews and the media at whole to task for failing to ask the tough questions. Questions on health care reform, education and entitlements....questions that were asked of the Democratic candidates in their debate a couple of weeks ago. She wonders whether the purpose of the debates was information or mindless entertainment.
One has to wonder, a little bit, why no substantive questions were asked of the Republican candidates? Is it ignorance or is it bias? Was Matthews really that ignorant of Republican voters and what is important to them? Or was this an attempt to keep the Republican voters disspirited? Regardless of the answer, it is imperative that Republican voters not rely on the press to get them information on the candidates running for THEIR nomination. Republican voters need to get off of the couch and find out for themselves where the candidates stand on the issues.
Labels: 2008, Activism, Media Bias
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