Ladies Logic

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth

The Logical Husband and I have been watching the "Live Earth" concerts off and on all day today. Some of the music has been fairly good, while the lecturing......

Very early on, the organizers took great pains to tell people how the stages in New York and London were made from recycled materials and how the lighting was "eco friendly". However, when you start getting to some of the lesser venues (China for example) you found the very traditional (and very carbon heavy) stage lighting that we all know and love. Oh sure, they used recycled tires and steel drums for set decorations in London and New York, but come on. I have also been to enough music festivals to know just how much garbage is generated. Did they provide the corn based, biodegradable plates to ALL the venues, or just to London (as the presenter seemed to imply). Also just what is going to happen to those tires once the concert is finished and no one is looking!

There were a lot of ggod hints about things people could do to conserve resources to be sure, but if I am going to take instruction from ANYONE on conservation techniques, I'll take them from people like Ed Begley Jr and not Leo DiCaprio and Dave Matthews. At least Begley walks the walk.

Did Leo just call AlGore a "global messenger of hope"? Oh heaven help us!



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