Ladies Logic

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Break over

The last amendment (Siefert Amendment) was to prohibit illegal immigrants from getting the Motor Fuels Tax Credit. Surprisingly (based on the discussion surrounding the amendment) it passed 73-60.

There are still a number of amendments being proposed. Some are more arcane than others. I will not waste everyone's time live blogging on all of them, but I will comment on things that strick my fancy as they happen.

WHOA - Rep. Howe reports that one of the LA's got a threatening email over the debate on this bill. Come on people....that is just not cool...

OK - we are done amending the bill. Rep. Buesgens is up and talking about how the tax increases are going to hurt people and jobs in the state. He talked about how these tax increases are an economic killer! Gary managed to get the money quote - a quote that I missed due to needing to help the Junior Logician with a homework assignment....

4:15- On to debating the bill. Rep. Buesgens speaking: “Winston Churchill said that trying to tax their way into prosperity is like a farmer standing in a bucket, then trying to lift the bucket up by the handle.” God bless Rep. Buesgens. Now he’s onto talking about “overburdening our families.” “This bill is bad for families. This bill is bad for our economy. This bill is bad for Minnesota.” AMEN!!!

Rep. Buesgens is absolutely correct.

Intersting.....Rep Olson has asked that the bill be tabled until the February 28th budget forcast comes out. The motion to table the bill failed 37 Ayes to 96 Nays....

Give Rep. Juhnke full props for being the first one to mention the 35W bridge collapse in the debate. You certainly have to love a man who plays politics on dead bodies.

Rep. Kohls calls this bill the largest tax increase in Minnesota history. Rep. Hortman says that this bill is a "compromise" in that is it smaller than last years bill? Gary dispelled that myth!

3:52- We’ve heard alot about compromise. Let’s keep in mind that this isn’t true compromise. Last year’s bill called for a $5.5 billion tax increase. This year’s bill calls for $7.5+ billion in tax increases.

Some compromise Rep. Hortman. Even if we use her numbers ($6.5 billion) we are still looking at a larger bill than we had last year!

Rep. Olson raised an interesting point of parlimentary inquiry. Many of the Republican Reps have been asking for the bill to be held until the forecast is released on Feb. 28. Rep. Olson's point of inquiry was if the bill passes today and it neeeds to go to a joint conference committee how many days would it be before the Governor has to act on it. Once out of committee (assuming that it only takes one day to get out of committee) the Governor has three days (not counting Sunday) to act. So if it hits the Governor's desk Saturday morning, he has to act before Tuesday - two days before the next budget forcast is released. Putting it in that context does not make the prospect of waiting until the forecast is out ot be an unreasonable request.

Rep Steve Gottwald is speaking now about how the message out of this bill is that the legislature can't prioritize and so we are forcing the taxpayers to bear the brunt of the legislatures failures! He said that they are being told that they bond roads and bridges because it will pass the burden on to our children and grandchildren but it is ok to do it for dolphin pools and festivals! He said that if the other members can go sell that to their constituents then they are much better sales men than he!

Rep's about priorities and discipline...something "we are lacking as a body". There is nothing courageous reaching into your neighbors pocket to pay for things. WOW - where did this guy come from and can we clone him?

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